Monday, March 10, 2025

Weigh in #9 for 2025

 9 weigh ins completed for the year 2025!   I have to be honest though and say that I have mixed feelings about it though!  It's kinda like the common thoughts that wow it's been 9 weeks  already, where has time gone but in the same breath thinking 9 weeks, it seems like a lifetime ago!   That is how I feel about the weigh in.  I have two totally conflicting emotions in regards to my weigh in. 

Let me just put it out there right now.  I lost 0.4 pounds this week.  I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth.  A half of a pound is fantastic!  It's a loss.  It's incredible.  But....shouldn't it be more.  I mean, I am working my tail end off with exercise.  I have tracked my food religiously and kept within my set boundaries.  I have drank my water.  I have done incredible (Thank you 75 Hard)!    

And that is where the divide lays.  I am tickled.  I have lost just about 10 pounds this year.   Yay.  10 pounds gone!  I am all about celebrating the loss of those 10 pounds.   That turns out to be just over a pound a week.   I'll take it!  Gladly!   Any loss is a win.   But at my weight, which is currently at 264 pounds, I should be dropping weight like mad!  It should be a whole lot more than this weeks measly half pound.  It should even be more than the 1 pound average that I have been posting.  It should be flying off of me so fast that people around me should be ducking to avoid it!  But it's not. 

I had recently talked about adding more protein into my daily diet.   Protein is more difficult for me because I am not a huge fan of meat.  I don't really like eggs. (Well, I like eggs...but they have to be hidden within a delicious cake or a soft gooey cookie!)  Protein is difficult for me.  In a quest to add more, I turned to 'products.  One of those products was a protein pancake mix.  Great option, right?  Except that I was forgetting that carbs are a kryptonite for me.  I love them....once I start I can't stop!   And even worse, I know for my body that I can't indulge complex carbs (pastas, white potatoes and breads.....including pancakes) more than one time a day.   I loved every last morsel of that box of pancake mix.  And when it was done, I still had some pancake syrup here at the house so I just made my own from scratch.   Bad bad bad.   I recognized the pitfall and didn't buy another box of pancake mix nor did I buy more maple syrup! 

 While I was super focused on the protein my calories slipped upward.  I know from experience that I don't lose weight at 1500 calories.  I lose weight when I am between 1200 and 1350.  Yet I was eating my protein with wild abandon and ignoring that wee little fact.

So where does that leave me?    I need to get back to basics.  I need to get my calories back down to the level where I know I lose.  I need to limit my carbs (goodbye pancakes).  And for my body and for my AGE, I need to keep my protein levels higher.   I will keep the protein higher by adding in protein bars (which I had already started)  but also by doing something I swore off years ago.   What am I talking about?  I am talking about yogurt.  Years ago (wow I was still at the bank so more than 10 years ago) I wrote about how I was not going to eat foods that I don't really like simply because they are 'good for me'.  I can't find the post at the moment, but I remember sitting eating a cup of yogurt. (It was a weight watchers brand yogurt that I had picked up at the grocery they even still make those things?)  As I shoveled the yogurt into my mouth I thought to myself "man, I really don't like this" and at that moment I made a decision to stop eating something that I don't really like just because it is 'good for you'.      Well, I am backtracking.  I would rather eat some yogurt versus meat!    So Yogurt it is!  I will be buying a weeks worth of yogurt and seeing how that goes.  Will it last more than a week?  I am not sure, but I'm going to give it a go!