Sunday, March 02, 2025

Picture a Day for 365 Days : Day 110 to 116

 I am still going strong on my quest to take one picture a day, although some days are a snapshot of myself taken for my youtube channel or to send to Jason...hahahah!   

Day 110   2/15/2025

I got home late on Valentines Day as I had gone to a Gymkana show to see my niece perform.  (You can check that out here.) I had chocolate covered strawberries waiting for me!  YUM!   While I indulged in two that night, I enjoyed them again for breakfast this morning also!

Day 111  2/16/2025

She looks so pitiful doesn't she?   She cries and acts like we are killing her when we give her a bath!   But that doesn't stop us because she starts to stink after a while, so about once a month we head to Tractor Supply to use their pet wash!  

Day 112  2/17/2025

Zoey loves her bling.  When we put a bandana on her, or a new harness or whatever, she just prances around like she is the queen.   However, we haven't been able to get her to leave a hat on!   Jason puts his hat on her all the time though!

Day 113  2/18/2025

Walking in a graveyard.....fascinating place to walk.  It's usually not busy.  It is fun to see all the names.   It is neat to imagine the lives and stories.  And it's good exercise....even though it was like 20 degrees!  

Day 114  2/19/2025

And I was back at the graveyard for a walk in the bitter cold!  (Gotta love the 75 Hard Challenge!)   I thought it was actually pretty funny to see a black cat roaming through the graveyard! 

Day 115  2/20/2025

I started my morning early with a book and a cuddle with the dog.  Yes, I absolutely love reading!

Day 116  2/21/2025

Oh my word, it was so cold out!  I went out walking at 8AM.  All week long I had walked at graveyards, but decided to break from the graveyards and I went to the park near our house.  BRRRRRRRRRR

 Seems like my pictures this week were mostly centered around walking or the that my life now???  hahahaha