Monday, February 17, 2025

75 Hard Week Four Days 22 to 28

 I have actually made it 4 weeks in my 75 hard challenge.   It's crazy because some days I think it's the hardest thing I have ever done, but others I think it's the easiest thing in the world!   The outdoor workouts remain my nemesis.  I dread's cold out there!  But that wasn't my biggest issue this week.  My biggest issue was that the arthritis in my knee has come out to play!  It's been quite painful and honestly no fun!  But I know it's not doing damage, so I am just pushing through!  But without further ado, lets look at each day!

 Day 22

Weekend days are a flip flop for me. Normally indoor exercise is the easy one and I dread the outdoor exercise. But with Jason home and different routines in place, it is the opposite.   I still got my 45 minutes of indoor exercise completed though!    The outdoor was so much nicer to complete since we went out together with the dog and walked the neighborhood.  There were only two things to note about the walk.  Number one, it was cold!   Number two, the dog has developed some irrational fear of storm grates.   It is the oddest thing, out of nowhere she cowers and tries to get as far away as possible!  

I was able to nail all of my other requirements for this day.  My water was easy and my calories were at 1372.   This is the day that I turned my eating around and really started to limit my carb intake!

Day 23

This was just one heck of a difficult day!  I woke up and felt HORRIBLE!  My stomach was hurting and I just wanted to curl in a ball and ignore the world.  I did just that in the morning.  I didn't exercise at 5AM like normal.  I pretty much curled up on the couch under a blanket and read.   But I knew that I had made it 22 days in this 75 hard challenge and I didn't want to throw away that success.  So in the afternoon I headed to the TV in the family room.  I choose a light workout to follow.  I did Body Groove, which is more flowy and easy, but can still get me moving.  45 minutes indoor exercise was done.  I went out with the dog in the afternoon and we had a nice leisurely walk.   Then I went inside and retreated to my comfy blankets on the couch.   It wasn't hard core workouts, but they were completed.   My calories were a bit lower due to not feeling well.....I finished the day at 974 calories.

 I completed everything I needed to for the day and didn't let feeling sick derail me! 

 Day 24

This day required planning.  I headed out at about 9AM and that meant that I needed to get my stuff done and planned early!  I had a headache but I was back at the 5AM exercise!  My reading was done by 6:30.   I was outside roaming around and walking with the dog by 8AM and I was out the door for my day by 9! 

I carried my water with me and drank religiously all day and I managed to end the day with only 1324 Calories consumed.  All in all a great day!

Day 25

You know, the outdoor exercise is so much easier to obtain when it's a snowy day!  Even though I knew that it was going to be in the upper 40's the next day, I still took some time to clear off our deck and our walkways (exercise), Zoe and I did our normal walks and of course we played.   Outdoor exercise done.  Of course my indoor exercise was completed at 5AM, like normal!

 My calories ended up a bit high for the day, but still under my goal of 1500.  Let me tell you, it was close at 1473!   Even while my calories were a bit high, I still limited my carbs and did really good with my eating.    Water and reading posed no issues.

Day 26

This was one of those days where it was just easy.  I got the exercise completed early.  I dreaded the outdoor time but I managed it.   I spent most of the day in the office working on my computer and looking for jobs.  (Ok, and maybe a few YouTube videos interspersed!)

I did great with my water and I did fabulously with my calories at 1299. 

My reading got really boring as I was reading the book  You Will Find Your People.    This book was just odd.  It was part 'look at me and all my friends" and part "this is what good friendship looks like".  I don't know really what they were trying to get across, but I can say this.  The book was a drag to read.

 Day 27

Valentines day!   I had a super busy day planned so there was no slacking.   Exercise inside at 5AM, Reading done by 6:30 and outdoor exercise started  at 7:15.   I was out the door for my days activities by 8:20 and I was on the go the rest of the day!   I was honestly too busy to think about food and even with my indulgence of two chocolate covered strawberries, I ended the day at 1236 calories. 

I thought that my water was going to be an issue, but at the end of the day I realized that quite naturally I had finished my water! (What had messed me up was the fact that my water container still had water in it so I thought I had failed....until I remembered that I had filled it up an extra time!  GO me!

It was a good day...busy but good as I got to spend time with all of my favorite people.  Jason of course as I woke up next to him and ended the day with him  but also my brother and his family! I even got to see my niece when we went to see her Gymkana troup perform!

While I was at Gymkana, I was talking with my nephew about core strength (which we apparently both need to work on) and I suddenly thought about yoga for the first time in ages!  I even talked to my nephew about it and talked about how I had been having problems with a pinched nerve and how yoga helped. (You can read about that here.)  A while later I brought up yoga again with my sister in law.  So you know the concept of yoga was stuck in my head. 

 Day 28 

Snow again!   It was a Saturday so we just relaxed at home most of the day and watched the snow.  I did make a tactical error with my outdoor exercise.  It was snowing in the morning but I was so comfy under my blanky that I stayed inside.  By the time I ventured outside the temperature was 33 degrees and it was no longer snow.  Instead, I spent 30 minutes outside in a really cold rain!   (yeah, I utilized the 30 minute minimum adjustment).  

For this day, I split my indoor exercise between yoga and cardio.   I never made any specific rule about exactly what my indoor exercise must entail, but I have pretty much stuck to cardio each day.   After remembering yoga I realized that yoga would be a fabulous addition to my repertoire of exercise during this 75 Hard challenge.  Not as a replacement for the cardio though because I still want to keep cardio as my main exercise, but as an addition.  In this way yoga can allow my body to rest on occasion.   I'm not going to make any promises, but I am also toying with adding yoga a few times a week above and beyond the 45 minutes of cardio.

We had a lazy day and that means that I read a good portion of the day, and I did read my non fiction book during this time.   I am now reading Educated, a memoir.  But thus far it is really just not holding my interest. 

Surprisingly, my water consumption was barely there.  I squeaked a success out for the day, but it was close.  We went out and picked up dinner and I almost stopped to get a soda.  But two things.   Number one, I knew that it was going to be close as it was for me to get my water in for the day.  But secondly, I am really wondering if the diet soda is somehow skewing my weight loss efforts.  (You can read about my thoughts on that here.) I am currently on a downward trend and I am kind of afraid to drink any for fear of messing up my downward trend! So I passed and stuck with water.

I did indulge in a piece of the cake that I made for Jason for Valentines day.  For the first time in a long time I actually had cake in the house and didn't feel like I NEEDED to have a piece.  I honestly went back and forth and waited for quite a while before I actually decided that a piece of cake would be a fun indulgence.  So with the cake my calories were a bit higher at 1468.  But that is ok!


That day that I woke up feeling sick was so difficult.   Exercise was a total test of simple willpower and determination. Being honest, if I had only been 2  or even up to 5 days into the 75 Hard I probably would have thrown up my hands and given up and restarted the 75 hard the next day.   But I wasn't going to fail....and the hard work of the previous 20-some days was a really good motivator!

While the muscle aches and pains that pervaded every waking minute for  the first week or two have mostly dissipated.   This week another pain emerged, or should I say re-emerged.   The arthritis in my knee really came out to play!   Not just the twinges and the random aches and pains that have been part of my life as I have regained weight.  No, this week the old constant pain of arthritis kicked into play.  I started to wear a knee brace again.  I didn't let it stop me.  I know that exercise helps, so I continue!  (I wrote a fun 'letter' to my old friend 'arthur=itus' a while back which you can read here.) I have been more mindful of exercises that have a lot of squats and I only completed one step aerobic workout (early in the week before the knee really started to scream).  

As more time passes I am feeling more and more confident that I not only can finish this but that I will finish this!  Carrying through things has been a difficult thing for me in recent years, especially in terms of weight loss.  But I am felling really confident that I can do it this time!   That confidence is seeping into other things too.   I have had moments in the 365/Picture a day project where I have felt and said to myself "yeah, why are you even trying because you are going to fail such a long term challenge".  But just this week when I was organizing pictures and placing my picture a day pictures in a file folder  and I stopped myself and literally said out loud."I CAN finish this challenge too."    So the success and confidence is growing now just in for the 75 Hard, but also in life in general. 

Bring it on!  I am ready to smash this next week too!