A 365 challenge is a neat one. It is a long term challenge. One that takes perserverence to complete. Something that I frequently have issues with. But I started in mid October and here I am. I started the challenge for a few reasons. One of the main reasons I started this challenge is because photography forces one to look at the world in a different way. I started this challenge because I wanted to challenge my photography skills. I started this challenge as a way to document my year. So far I haven't done anything spectacular with my photography, although I have had some really good shots. I plan on working on that....I still have lots of time left in this year! But I have maintained a picture a day and I have done a fabulous job of documenting my year thus far.
I'm not sure what I will do with the pictures at the end of this year. Will I put them into a scrapbook to commemorate the year? Will I make a video montage? I'm not sure. But right now it is just one day at a time! So here we go with the a few more days of my life in pictures.
Day 103 (2.8.25)
Zoey just loves her car rides! I can't confirm, but I think Jason makes up 'outings' so that the dog can go with us places. She was intently watching her 'daddy' while he was out of the car!
Day 104 (2.9.25)It was Sunday so Jason was home. It was cold though! It didn't stop us though. We gout out and took a nice walk. Weirdly enough, the dog has developed a fear of storm grates. Last weekend she was fine, but this weekend walks she was petrified of them. That dog is a weirdo!
Nothing special about this Monday. Jason was working and I was at home looking for jobs! But of course I had to get outside and walk a bit!
I went to Hagerstown to spend some time with my nephews. First I went out with Alex (my youngest nephew) and he drove around a bit in my car. Since I have the only manual transmission car, I have offered to teach my cousins (they declined) and my niece and nephew how to drive stick. I think hooked up with Riley my oldest nephew and we went out searching for answers about our ancestry. We are struggling to find a name for my Great Great Grandfather (Rileys 3rd great). We know his name was Mclain but was that his first or his middle name and but some references indicate his name as Joseph and some as Samuel. We headed to a graveyard to identify some graves of family and hope that McClain's wife would have something on her grave stone indicating her husbands name. Nope, she didn't actually even have a stone. But we did visit a bunch of graves of people we are related to. It was a good day. Still cold, but good!
Day 107 (2.12.25)
Wednesday brought a small snow storm. We ended up with about 2 inches of snow. It was my favorite kind of snow. It was gorgeous while it lasted. But the next day we had temps in the upper 40's and the snow was gone!
Day 108 (2.13.25)
The snow is melting fast! I don't know why I took this picture, but I'm sure glad that I did because it was my only picture of the day! I spent a lot of time looking for jobs but also knocked one or two things off of my master list of things to do around the house!
Day 109 (2.14.25)
I had a busy day! I went grocery shopping, I cleaned at mom's house, I went out for a long drive with my nephew (yup, more practice with manual transmission) and I went to the Gymkana show to see my niece a perform. It was a busy but fun day!
Another week of fun and excitement.......still unemployed but trying to make the most of it!