The last week of February passed with some of the most fantastic weather! It was in the 50's most days and was a real treat! Could spring really be around the corner???
Day 117 2/22/2025
Back to the graveyard to walk. This day I was with Jason as it was a Sunday! This particular graveyard is the home to an ancestor of of my maternal grandfathers ancestors to be exact.
I am so 'blessed' to have a dog that likes to supervise me while I am exercising! Some days she gets in the way....ok, most days, but hey, she is there with me! Even worse, if I do any floor work, I usually have a hundred pound dog jump on top of me.......added weight for resistance!
Day 119 2/24/2025
Zoey and I took a trip together. We went to the 'cookie store'. Ok, that is how we refer to it with her. In reality it is the bank! But hey, they do give her cookies!
Day 120 2/25/2025
The weather was fabulous so I was able to get outside and work on some projects. One of the projects was the seemingly never ending pile of mulch! I got about 1/4 of it moved! The bad thing though was that it KILLED my knee. I was already having issues with the arthritis but that day just decimated it!
Day 121 2/26/2025
After annihilating my knee with the mulch, I decided to take a wee break from working on the pile of mulch. So I headed back to a graveyard to get my outside walk in! This is in the Jewish cemetery that is part of Lincoln Cemetery in Chambersburg, PA.
Day 122 2/27/2025
Zoey and I spent a lot of time outside early in the morning. I had plans for the day and wanted to give her lots of outside time before I cooped her up in the house when I went away. Of course we had to take a picture for Jason!
Day 123 2/28/2025
The last day of the month was a busy one for me! I started early with the dog outside, moved on to groceries. I did some job hunting. I went to mom's house to clean. I went driving with my nephew (he has recently learned to drive stick and I am the only one with a manual transmission car). I made dinner. Yes, it was a busy day!
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