Monday, March 24, 2025

Picture a day : Day 124 -136

 The picture a day.  Some days it's so easy.  I have the pictures and it's there.  But admittedly, some days I kinda forget!!!

Day 124   3.1.25

Jason and I went for a walk. It was cold and windy, but we persevered.   When we were done walking we decided to go geocaching.  Typical of geocaching, we discovered some neat things right in our backyard, er...downtown!  

Day 125 3.2.25

 It was a Sunday so Jason and I went for a walk in our neighborhood.  I reached into my pocket for my phone so that I could take a picture of us and low and behold my phone was not there.  The second half of our walk was full of panic for me as I didn't know where my phone was.  I did find the phone (in the car where I had left it after our errands).  So I snapped a picture after I found my phone!

 Day 126 3.3.25

While out and about and roaming graveyards with my nephew, we discovered the whereabouts of an African American Graveyard.   Of course we had to visit!

 Day 127 3.4.25

I fell into the trap of a pancake mix.  I have been trying to up my protein and saw a pancake mix.  I love pancakes so decided to get the mix, even though I typically make them from scratch!   Let me tell you, having the mix caused me to eat pancakes.........Ever. Darn. Day!

Day 128 3.5.25
    I spent the day working on important things such as job hunting, financial budgets, taxes.  Etc.  Kinda boring, but necessary!

Day 129 3.6.25
     Such a creative headstone in a graveyard.  Sad though to know that some young child lost their life way too soon!
Day 130 3.7.25

Errands errands  errands.   Grocery day!

Day 131 3.8.25 

Another walk through a graveyard.  This time, since it was a weekend Jason was with me!

 Day 132 3.9.25

We worked around the house a lot today.  Cleaning, laundry, power washing the bird cage...all those things that get pushed off to the weekend.  While I was changing the sheets on the bed, I decided to change the quilt!  It was time for a different quilt...something more summery in colors!

Day 132 3.10.25

Fabulous weather! I was down to a teeshirt as I took a walk, in the graveyard of course!

Day 133 3.11.25

    Nothing exciting about this day....and honestly, this was pretty much the only picture I took!

Day 134 3.12.25

Of course I went walking in a graveyard....and well, another day where I only have one picture to account for my day!

Day 135 3.13.25

I have been walking a lot at graveyards.  Typically I don't see a soul.  That in some regards makes me feel secure and safe, but on the other hand I sometimes feel so secluded that if something were to happen...well.....  So I walk with 'minty'  my mind colored pepper spray!

Day 136 3.14.25

A fun time with my nephew as we went for a drive. (He has recently learned to drive stick shift and I currently have the only manual transmission car in the family for him to practice on).













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