I am still pushing through the 75 hard challenge. But this week could be categorized as the week of the squeak!
Day 36
I may have been alone with my indoor exercise on this Sunday, but I didn't have to go outside alone! Jason and I headed to the Cedar Grove Cemetery where I was able to walk around the graveyard and get my outside exercise completed. This was my third trip to this graveyard within a few days so I knew the lay of the land, but graveyards are the kind of place that you can go back a gazillion times and still see a different name or a different gravestone!
My calories were on the high side. However, I managed a win with 1463 as my daily total! My water was easy this day as was my reading!
Day 37
This was the most routine day that I had all week. I got my indoor exercise completed. I went for a walk outside (at a graveyard of course) and got my outdoor exercise completed. My water slipped down the hatch easily and my reading was spot on. It was so mundane that I didn't even film or take many pictures! I did take one picture, which is when the dog and I went to the bank!
My calories.....once again I squeaked out the win with 1493!
Day 38
This is the day that pert near did me in! The day started wonderfully. I did my indoor exercise. I got my reading done. I was drinking my water. The weather was FABULOUS! The day was going splendidly! It was going so splendidly that I decided to go outside and work on one of the projects that I have hanging over my head. That project is a mulch pile that I need to get spread! I worked outside for a few hours. It felt like I barely made a dent in the pile.......and the work of moving the mulch up a steep hill just about did my knees in! I had been having issues with my knees the last week or so, but this day ratcheted up the pain 100%!
Once again, I barely squeaked in my calories with my total being 1444.
Day 39
I was still hurting pretty badly from the day before. My knees ached. Yes, KNEES. Both of them were screaming with arthritic agony! I tried to do a lighter workout for my indoor workout and I kept my outdoor exercise as light as I could also!
Water and reading posed no issue for me and my calories were the lowest they had been all week at 1354.
Day 40
I started my day early. I got my indoor exercise in and I knew that I was going away for a good portion of the morning and early afternoon so I got out with the dog and spent about 45 -50 minutes outside with her early in the day. I had grand plans to go for an 'official' walk in the afternoon, but well....best laid plans sometimes are the biggest failures.
My morning activity was shopping and running into some stores with my mother in law. I was on my feet all morning....and on concrete. My knee was KILLING me when we got back and I chose to spend the rest of the afternoon resting it. I squeaked out my calories with my daily count being 1482. For the first time in this whole 75 Hard Challenge I also really squeaked out my water. I got it in, but it was tight!
Day 41Another crazy busy day. I got the indoor exercise done and got the dog out for about 30 minutes in the morning. I wasn't planning on using the dog walk as my exercise.. because it wasn't a full 45 minutes, it was closer to the 30 minute mark. But my day just flew by and I didn't have another opportunity to get out again! Thus I really squeaked out the exercise this day!
Reading was easy. Water was ok and my calories were so close at 1473. (Another squeaker day for the calories.) I finally finished the last non fiction and moved onto the next one....I think it's gonna be a 'snoozer' book though as it seems rather dry thus far! It's called Stupid Things I Won't do When I get Old. (You can check it out here.....amazon link)
Day 42
The first day of March and a Saturday, what a great combination! With my knee pain, I decided to do a really light indoor workout and I did Yoga! For the outside workout, we headed to a graveyard of course! We made a couple of laps around the Norland Cemetery in Chambersburg. We also checked out an old Presbyterian Graveyard and also the Fort Chambers Park.
The water was again squeaked out! And if squeaking the water isn't bad enough, I also squeaked out my calories with my daily total being 1781.
It was definitely not a grand week. I am happy to say that I didn't mess up my 75 hard, but it was CLOSE and I totally squeaked some of those days (guzzling water at the last minute.....calories that couldn't have been must closer without going over......defaulting to the walks with the dog as outdoor exercise). But I made it! I am vowing that this week will NOT be so close! No more squeakers!
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