As I write this post, I am in awe that I have actually completed 8 weeks of this challenge. (Spoiler alert, I did successfully complete week 8). Has it been utterly perfect? No, but have I pushed through? Absolutely! Some of this stuff actually is starting to feel, dare I say it; routine.
Day 50 3.9.25
There was nothing too exciting about this day. It was a Sunday so I was able to bypass the 5AM workout. I still did get it done before my shower, but it was a lazy slow starting morning, so it was completed at closer to 8AM. I did some things around the house and then we went to a local park to walk. My food was in line at 1480. At least in terms of this challenge. I also got enough water and I read in my non fiction book! Nothing too exciting...just a nice lazy Sunday.
Day 51 3.10.25
Monday. It is crazy how much Mondays really still drag me down. I am not working yet still 'live for the weekend. I drug myself through my 5AM workout. I kinda dreaded my outdoor walk, but I did it. This was the day that I picked up the book Eat It, the book that I talked about in my recent post. I rarely listen to audio books but this day I did....I walked and walked at the graveyard because I wanted to keep listening!
The weather was fantastic though and I ended up taking off my hoodie/sweatshirt and walking in a teeshirt! YAY to spring like weather! My food was nicely in line at 1011 calories (a little low actually).
Day 52 3.11.25
Seriously, another routine day. Indoor exercise was completed. Outdoor walk was done (at the graveyard of course) . Water down the hatch and reading easily accomplished. My calories were right in line at 1242. It was a good day....but nothing exciting!
Day 53 3.12.25
I had to plan a bit for today, in terms of exercise and eating. I knew that I was probably going to go over in my calories for the day, but I was ok with it. It was planned. How did I know I would probably go over? I was meeting my brother for lunch.
I got my 5AM exercise done as usual. I did my job hunting and all that and then I headed to Hagerstown. We ended up at Arby's for lunch. It just feels good to be with my brother. When lunch was over I went up the stairs in his workshop and started grabbing boxes and loaded my car. I have been storing stuff in his workshop since 2014 when my previous marriage ended. While he has told me that there is no rush, I figure that since I am not working that it is the perfect time to get some boxes and sort through it. Seriously though, if I haven't used it in 10 years and haven't missed it, is it necessary in my life?
It was during this part of the day that I encountered my tragedy. I was coming down the stairs with a box in my hands and miscalculated how many steps I had left. Luckily I only miscalculated by one so my tumble was not down a complete flight of stairs. But I still took a tumble to the ground, landing bad knee. I am happy that I landed on the bad knee. Because I wouldn't want to have both knees screaming in pain.
I didn't let it stop me. When I was done loading the car I headed guess it.....a graveyard! I walked in the graveyard! It was another nice day where I just needed a teeshirt! I was out there for about 2 hours or so! Even with the bum knee it felt fabulous!
Water and reading were easy but my food ended up to be right at 2000 calories. Like I knew....high! But I allow one high calorie day a week!
Day 54 3.13.25
Exercise at 5AM, check. Outdoor exercise/activity in the afternoon at a graveyard, check. The temps dropped a bit and I had to wear my sweatshirt, but it was still pleasant outside. I also finished the book Eat it during this walk!
I kept my calories at 1381. I got my reading done. I drank my water. So while it wasn't an exciting day, it was a successful day.
Day 55 3.14.25
This was a busy day. But I was SOOO TIRED! I was struggling to stay awake! I started early and got my exercise done. I got the grocery shopping completed. And then I headed into Hagerstown. I had a few errands to do. So I stopped and got a few more boxes from my brothers workshop. I spent some time at the graveyard.....walking (of course a graveyard) and then I met up with my youngest nephew and he and I took a nice long drive. He is just gaining practice with driving stick shift. He is pretty good now, but I think he just wants to 'perfect' and become more natural (probably so he doesn't look like a putz when/if he test drives a car that has manual transmission). Of course I think it is also because he wants to spend time with his fabulous aunt!
My calories were capped at 1317 and every thing else was checked as as success this day,
Day 56 3.15.25
Ahhhh, finally Saturday. I made a conscious decision this day. I decided to forego the indoor exercise. I know how many steps I usually 'gather' when I have my indoor exercise and my outdoor exercise. I knew that I would get the outdoor exercise for sure, but I decided that as a rest day for my body that I would call it a win as long as I was in that range of steps that I have been falling in when I do both indoor and outdoor exercise. Cheating? Some may say that, but I was ok with it. We went to Frederick, Maryland and walked around some stores and various places. HMart (an Asian grocery store) is always a fun one. I found the pigs heads to be interesting.
I got my steps. I read my book. I drank my water, although it was iffy for a moment as I picked up a strawberry soda from wawa without thinking....and then realized that I still had a fair amount of water. I didn't allow myself to take one sip of the soda until I finished my water though! I capped my day with 1443 calories. Another win!
Well done on another great week.
ReplyDeleteHope the knee not causing you too much pain.
Thank you. The knee is slowly getting better. It hurts worse some days, but when I read your comment I actually had the thought that "wow, it hasn't hurt at all yet today!" (it did ache yesterday by the evening come and go)
DeleteThat’s such an accomplishment! Way to go on completing 8 weeks!!
DeleteYeah on completing 8 weeks! I am lucky to last 2 weeks on anything. You didn't mention much about the knee in the days after your fall so I hope it is ok?
ReplyDeleteThe knee is still very tender from the fall (a week and a half ago), but it's doing ok. Weirdly enough, the pain from the fall combined with the arthritis worked to confuse my brain. (I know this sounds weird) and it made the arthritis more bearable...I think.
DeleteWoo-hoot! Pat yourself on the back for completing 8 weeks. I still struggle with food but only gained 0.2 pounds.
ReplyDeleteI am also still struggling with the food. I am barely keeping it in line in terms of my food....and I had set my diet to not be as restrictive (so that I could actually attain it) but it was not restrictive enough for me to lose. :-(