Saturday, February 01, 2025

Hopeful Once again

Well I did it!    I weighed in and boy did the number on the scales shock me!    And of course I am here to share my shock with you!

I weigh myself every day, but I count my Wednesday weigh in as my 'official' weekly weigh in.  I have swapped out what day of the week I use as official throughout the years.   When I was most successful with weight watchers I was weighing in on the first day of my work week.  That worked great for me simply because it kept me on the straight and narrow throughout my weekend!   In more recent years I defaulted to Friday as my weigh in day.  I will say that a Friday weigh in day was pure vanity as my weight is typically the lowest on Fridays.   But being honest I would then go crazy on the weekend with a 'free day' and the that free day would turn into a free weekend, because in the back of my mind I would say "Well I have a week to eat healthy', I can eat what I want now!  I would pull it together when I went back to work but then spent most of my week trying to negate the damage done during the weekend of eating.   When 2025 started, it started on a Wednesday.  So I stepped on the scales that day for my starting weight for the year.  It only seemed natural to make my first official weigh in the following Wednesday!   and then the next Wednesday came and well, it made sense again!   By accident I have found that I like it thus!   Week days are typically easier for me to watch my weight as I'm in a routine, we are not eating out and it is a less 'festive' atmosphere.  So it's less likely that I throw up my hands and say 'kitchens open' and allow myself to go crazy on a free day eat-a-palooza. 

The first Wednesday after I started my 75 Hard I stepped on the scales.   I had three days of the 75 Hard under my belt and I was sure that my weigh in was going to be fantastic.  It was not.  I showed a maintain.  I was not disappointed though.  I knew that I had just jumped from virtually no exercise to exercising 1.5 hours a day.  I had also gone from next to no water consumption a day to well over 64 ounces.  Those things along could cause the scales to be a bit skewed.  So I held steady with my efforts in the 75 Hard.   And this past Wednesday I stepped on the scales and Holy Cow was I shocked!

I lost 5.5 pounds!   I haven't seen a loss like that in YEARS!  I was blown away!   I am tickled.  I don't expect losses like that each week, but this success has made me once again hopeful that I really can do this!



Paula C said...

Now that is certainly going to keep you motivated. I lost 0.8 pounds but it is still a loss & it is motivation for me to keep going. You're doing great.

MaryFran said...

You are right, you posted a loss! SUCCESS!!! Congrats!