Monday, February 24, 2025

75 hard Week 5: Days 29 through 35

Sometimes if feels like I've been doing this 75 Hard challenge forever, but at other times it totally does not feel like I have been at this for 5 weeks already.  Each week has been a discovery or a positive step in the direction toward health and fitness. While I have suffered aches and pains I am continually amazed at myself and my body for steadily working through this 75 Hard Challenge!

 Day 29 2.16.25

This was a typical Sunday.  We started our day slow and I got to avoid the 5AM exercise.  Not to worry, I still got the exercise done before I showered, I just didn't have to do it so darn early!   I watched the weather all day long though, because it was raining and drizzly.   I waited until the rain turned to a drizzle and the forecast advised that we were in a lull for an hour or so.  I headed out for my walk.  It was still rather cool at 33 degrees but I figured a slight drizzle would be manageable!   I was about 15 minutes into my walk when it turned into a downpour.   Yes, if you live in Chambersburg and saw some crazed lady walking outside in 33 degree temps during a pouring rain, that was me!  I was drenched!

We ended up taking the dog for a bath in the late morning so she was squeaky clean!   I got my reading done, drank my water and kept my calories in check with my total calories for the day being, 1305

 Day 30 2.17.25

The weather was still a 'balmy' 33 degrees today when I headed out for my outside walk.  I was dreading it though!   The wind was whipping something fierce and was rattling the windows of the house!  But that was no excuse to not get that outdoor workout in!   It was soooo windy! (25-30 mph, we were actually in a wind advisory.)  It made me realize that I would take the rain over the wind any day!  I know, that shocked me too!

My indoor exercise had been completed early so that was out of the way too!  The rest of the day passed and I was able to easily get my water drank, my non fiction reading completed and my calories were right in line at 1395.

 Day 31 2.18.25

It is so nice to get my indoor exercise done first thing in the morning while Jason is in the shower.  I honestly HATE doing it that early, but I absolutely love the fact that it is done by 6AM!   I have been doing mostly CDorner on Youtube.  Her videos are fun and she calls out the instructions with impeccable timing!   I decided to do something a bit different for my outdoor exercise though.  I headed to an old graveyard in Chambersburg and started roaming around.  Graveyards are a great place to walk.  You usually have the place to yourself.....well except for the people that are buried there!  hahaha. 

The rest of the day went well.  My calories were a bit higher at 1427 but I was within my 'boundaries' so all was well.  The other requirements were completed and I had another successful day!
Day 32 2.19.25
Exercise is definitely my weak point in this challenge.  I have to be honest about it, I dread it some days, most of them actually!  But I am not letting up.  I have not cheated and knocked time off of my required exercise.  Indoor has never been less than 45 minutes  and the outdoor exercise has never been less than 30 minutes and this week I never went below the 45 minute mark on my outdoor exercise.   For the outdoor exercise I headed back to the old graveyard that I had gone to the day before. I wanted to find the grave of one of my ancestors. It was my 4th Great grandfather.  I searched and walked from gravestone to gravestone in the section in which he is said to be buried and I can say that if he is in that section then his gravestone is totally gone.  I did see a black cat running across the graveyard.  For people that are superstitious and are freaked out at me being in a graveyard, I am sure the black cat just made it worse.  But then's a double negative, which makes it a positive, right!   hahaha  Ok,I don't believe in that stuff and I was just delighted to see the kitty cat!

I started trying to focus on getting more protein and this was the first day.  I found that I was using more calories in that quest.  I finished my day at 1495 calories.  I barely squeaked that one out!  Water and reading....I had those in the bag!
Day 33 2.20.25
 There is nothing too exciting to say about this day.  I got it done.  I got everything done actually.  My calories were a bit higher at 1492, but still right where they needed to be.   I walked in a graveyard again.   This time in a different grave yard.  This graveyard was in the middle of town, but was very secluded with trees all around and just...well....secluded.   But it was a delightful walk, even if a bit cold because after the two 'balmy' days at 33 degrees, the temps dropped to low 20's!

Day 34  2.21.25

This was another routine day.  I got my indoor workout done at 5AM and by 8 in the morning I was ready to head out to complete my errands.  But first I stopped at a local park and completed a few laps around the park to get my exercise.   Once again, I was surrounded by homes, but being totally alone in a large expanse of property made me realize how vulnerable I was when I was out walking by myself.  So while I was completing my cold walk, I made a decision to add a canister of pepper spray to my grocery list.  I did really good with my calories.  My protein consumption was really good and my calories were in check at 1249.  Reading of course posed no issue!

Day 35  2.22.25

This was the day!  I knew it going into the day that I would most likely be calling due one of the 'free days' for my calories.  Yes, I put in a safety net for my calorie goals.  My goal is to keep my calories under 1500 each day but I allow myself a 'free day' where I can also eat any earned calories.   So if my goal is 1500 calories and I earn 300 through exercise I can then eat 1800 that day.   I had a really good feeling tat this Saturday would be a day when I had to use that free day.   I got up and got my indoor exercise completed and then I waited.  My nephew arrived just on time and we headed out in my old car for a nice drive around.  He has recently learned to drive stick shift and wanted some practice.  We drove around all morning and then he and I went to lunch.  We went to Southwest Moe's where I got a vegetarian burrito.  It was delicious! I also ate the chips.....also delicious!  (I didn't get queso....that is a victory!)  The afternoon was busy with some errands and then Jason and I took a nice a graveyard again.  (it was the week of graveyards!  Might be graveyards again next week too.)  Water and reading were easy.  But my calories were at 2060.  Luckily according to garmin and myfitness paln I earned 759 calories through movement/exercise.   Which means I was still under my goal!  WHEW!!!!

75 Hard Reflections

This last week was the week that I was able to really think about where I am at.  I am not losing weight and I SHOULD be losing with what I am eating and how much I am exercising.  Yet I am not losing.  The 75 Hard challenge has taken away so many barriers and excuses that I have used. Some of those previous excuses were,  "Ohhh, I didn't exercise.'  or "Oh I haven't been exercising and then I started.' to 'I didn't drink my water so I"m probably retaining."  and conversely "I wasn't drinking and then I started so now my body is holding on to id all".   Always a barrier and excuse.  But this 75 Hard wiped the slate clean.  I've had over 64 ounces of water every day.  I've exercised for 35 days straight....not just a piddly 20 minutes.....we are talking two sessions one of which is never less than 45 minutes and the other between 30 and 45 minutes.  And with the consistency of this challenge, the excuses fell away.  I had to face the fact that something in my eating had to change.  Because that is what is holding me up.  So as I wrote in my last post, I looked closer at my calories and looked at the macros and what I saw coupled with what I read in the menopause book and from talking to my sister in law and a couple other people and I am now focusing on getting more protein into my daily diet. 

I also stopped using the cold as an excuse to use the bail out of 30 minutes outside versus that original 45 minutes.  I think the difference in my thinking was that I am no longer really battling the aches and pains of starting a program like this.  Admittedly, before I started this challenge I was lucky to get over 2500 steps a day.  So going from next to nothing to exercising for 1.5 hours (and over 10,000 steps) was a huge leap and I was sore.  Many days it was cold and icky and I just couldn't face that on top of the aches and pains.  But now that bulk of the aches and pains (not counting the arthritis in the knee) are past, I am able to brave the cold.   Seriously.  My warmest days were 33 Degrees....and I did those in a rain storm and a wind storm.  The rest of the days were colder!

I am excited because this next week is when I will pass the official half way mark of this challenge.  I honestly am a bit in awe that I have made it thus far!  But I've got this!


Enyonam said...

Wow. Well done on coming this far. 75 days will end before you know it.

Straighten My Crown said...

I am very impressed with your early morning workouts! I used to do morning workouts, in what feels like another lifetime. It was hard to get up, but such an incredible feeling to have that workout done so early in the day.

Paula C said...

You are crushing the challenge! I can't wait to see how adding protein changes things.

MaryFran said...

I some regards it seems like it is flying by so fast! I have already started to think about it wondering what I will get into when it's done and what aspects I want to try to keep!

MaryFran said...

I honestly sit and think about how much I am dreading it....or how I need to go do it.....or whatnot when I don't work out early. The only evening workouts that I have liked were my after work zumba classes.. I looked forward to them, but home workouts....nope, I don't like them hanging over my head!

MaryFran said...

Thanks! I am hoping the protein really starts to make a difference in my efforts. My issue is that it seems as if I am picking up extra carbs at the same time! Not good for me!