Friday, February 21, 2025

16 Minutes

Today I just want to whine a bit........

 Job hunting is for the birds.  Let me tell you!  This is not anything I would recommend for the faint at heart!  I've put in so many applications and I'm not even getting calls.    It's enough to seriously depress someone!

Most recently I  applied for to a company that literally is the counterpart to the job that I have been doing for the last however many years.   In a normal situation, I would be a shoe in for the job.  I met every qualification.  I had experience!   I filled everything out  and hit the submit button.  I was actually a bit hopeful!   For 16 minutes.    And then my hope was smashed to smithereens.  You see,  it took them  only 16 minutes to send me a reject letter!

Seriously, this is terrible.  I would feel utterly despondent except that I know that my ex-cowokers (with the exception of two that got jobs literally before we had even worked out last day at our job) are having the same issue.  So I know it's not me!  But dang if it doesn't feel horrible.

Meanwhile, my arthritis is crankin'!   Yikes it aches!   But I'm pushing through and not letting it get to me!  It's only 11 AM and I already have my indoor exercise done, the outdoor exercise completed and our grocery shopping done and it's all put away.   Go me!   Now to commence with the job hunt! 


Paula C said...

You are not the only one looking right now. But I know sooner or later something will come along. Maybe this time off is a blessing by giving you the time you need to work on your health. Which by the way you are crushing it.

MaryFran said...

That is exactly what I am thinking focusing on.....I have an amazing opportunity to get my health and fitness in line!

Sweat + Sparkle said...

How on earth could anyone have possibly reviewed your resume in 16 minutes? My guess is, the position was already filled but still advertised, so it was an automatic response. That would be very frustrating.

MaryFran said...

Exactly, you know that no human saw the resume,reviewed it and sent a response in 16 minutes! So why post it if you aren't going to really give applicants a real chance?