Thursday, January 16, 2025

Yeah, that didn't happen.

 I had grand plans for how I was going to spend my days here in the new year. I had goals and I was going to slay each and every one of those goals!   We are now two weeks into the new year and I can say.....Yeah not doing so good on those goals!

Yes, I have had some wins in terms of my goals.  I have had two wins  The wins you ask?   Well let me tell you!   I had a goal to finish digitizing all of the pictures from my parents house.   I am happy to announce that I have completely digitized those pictures.  I do have to finish filing the pictures away in the storage boxes I got, but the pictures are digitized!   The second win is my weight.  The first week brought a loss of 1 pound and my second week of the year brought about a loss of 2 pounds.  Thus, I have lost 3 pounds thus far in 2025.   I am constantly fighting the urge to say (or in this case type) that my three pounds is paltry and weak.   I want big numbers.  (Don't we all?) Three just seems lame ,but I am tickled to have pieced together two weeks of weight loss.  And three pounds is still three pounds GONE.  It could have been worse.  I could have gained three! 

As for most of the other goals....the stuff like ten thousands steps a day, exercising three times a week, 64 ounces of water, tracking my food?   Yeah, they haven't happened.   Not yet.  I have actually exercised about 3 times.  I have gotten my water to a consistent 30-40 ounces.   I have tracked a few times.  And my steps have been higher than average, but still not to the 10k mark.  So not a total failure, because I can see progress.  But not quite where I want to be.  But that's ok, i'm moving in the right direction.  I'm building up!

Unemployment has been busier than I expected.  Two weeks have flown by!  It feels like just yesterday that I was finishing up my last day of that job.   In fairness, we had a holiday (New Years Day) and a snow day where Jason was off they felt like weekends which made it go by faster. 

 I have gone down to my mom's house for 4 days now.  There I have met up with my brother and we have worked on cleaning and panting her house to ready it to sell.  I am not a good painter.  I know it.  Painting is also not my favorite thing in the world to do.  But that's ok, it needs to be done and we are getting it done. 

I have spent a fair amount of time on my computer looking for jobs.  I am only two weeks into this serious job hunt and it's disheartening!  I have a submitted a fair amount of applications.  I have also received a fair amount of rejections.  I will admit that some of the jobs that I have applied to are a stretch for me, but they sound so interesting.   I am applying to anything that is in my pay range that looks interesting.  I have applied to both remote jobs and on site jobs.  I am torn with the location.  I do love working at home.  It is so handy to be able to flip a load of laundry on a break or let the dog out at lunch.   However, I know that some face to face interaction with people is something good.   I was actually getting ready to start going to a zumba class in the evenings when my job situation exploded.  Literally, I had gone to the site and was looking into it on the day before I got the notification.  So I do have that still in the cards if I get a remote position.  But it's a 50-50 dealio.   I do think that the dog is voting for another remote position!   Although, she has done amazing on these days that I have been at my mom's for 8 plus hours (including travel time).

Most of my time I have been busy doing something.  Be it working on my computer, editing youtube videos, painting, cleaning, cooking.  I did spend one day, my first true day off (one where I was home and Jason was working) and spent the afternoon watching a movie.  I had started the day so strong...but then kinda fell apart and lounged from lunchtime onward.  But that is ok also.   Truth be told, this afternoon may be one of those days as I just picked up two books.  One an author that I have really enjoyed, Fiona Davis.  And the second book one that came recommended to me by my niece,  Bear Town.  The biggest problem is which to read first!!!

Unemployment and the new year have been kind to me thus far.  While I am frustrated at the low numbers in my weight loss and the futile job hunt, I am happy with my progress toward making my goals a reality.  I am happy with my steps forward.  I know that the best is yet to come and I"m going to do what I can to make it come!


jen said...

Keep stepping forward

Amy said...

3 pounds is nothing to scoff at. You are doing awesome!