Friday, January 17, 2025

The emotions reared their ugly Head

 What a day!   I thought that I was doing good with this unemployment thing.  I was handling it like a pro and just doing amazing!   That is until this morning!

The last two and a half weeks of unemployment have been busy.  I've worked on my youtube channel, I have done some stuff around my house, I've spent a few days at my mom's house working to paint and get that ready for sale, amongst other things.  I've stayed busy because I know that if I settle in for a 'do nothing day' I will most likely end up feeling sluggish, depressed and just downright bad.  So I have stayed busy, with a few exceptions (I did read all afternoon the other day...and that felt glorious!).  It's been an easy adjustment and emotionally I've been great!    

This morning I sat down at the computer ready to do a few things.  Number one I had to look at my final paycheck from my job.  That paycheck was for the last few days I worked and for the unused PTO time that they paid me.  I saw the amount and was feeling good.   It was about, if not more than I expected.  I logged online to look at my paystub.  All was going well.  I saw that they had taken out my 401K loan payment, which was a good thing.  I downloaded it and moved on to my next task, which was calling the 401K company.  I had to set up a payment per what HR had told us (in writing) and what was understood when I took the loan out when we bought our house.    The terms of my loan were 'upon termination if your plan allows you will be able to set up a payment plan".  I had checked with them at that time and they had said exactly what the HR department had indicated that I would just have to set up an auto withdraw from my checking account and no issues.  BUT, just last month they transferred all of our 401K's to a new company (My company was sold last year so everything was changing.....right in the midst of this layoff. And just for the record, so much of what they told us...about our paystubs and where to access them, the return of the equipment...which is still in my house, and their refusal to answer any inquiries has been atrocious!)  I called the new company and was told that my loan is due 60 days from my termination repayment allowed.  Dude, I can't make an 8K payment right now. (Well, I have severance so I guess I could...but severance to live off of until I get a job!)     The GOOD news is that if I can't make the payments they will just deduct the payment from my 401k and consider it a withdrawal.    The bad news is that since I'm not over 59 1/2 it will be considered an early withdrawal and I will be taxed to smithereens and pay any early withdrawal penalties.  

I hung up the phone and it all just hit me.  I laid my head down on the table and just sobbed.    It's ok.  I'll deal with the taxes.  And I'm trying to tell myself that this may be a good thing.  I won't have that payment each month.  It wasn't a lot...$102 dollars a month ($52 a paycheck)...but if I have to take a lower paying job, that may be the difference between having my back against the wall or being comfortable.    Still the emotions are flowing. 

So, in the wonderful wisdom that I was displaying, I decided to go check on my car title.  What is up with the car title?  Well,I paid my car off in July of last year.  In the state of PA they hold your title until it's paid off.  So I waited and waited for my title to arrive.  Nothing.  In November I started to make noise.  It took them a week (and one visit and two phone calls) before they advised that they had my paperwork and that they were taking care of it.  A week later I got a letter in the mail with a document releasing my MARYLAND state title.  UHHHH wrong state!  I moved from Maryland in 2022!    I checked with the PA state anyway....and was told definitely can't use that paper work and that the lien is an electronic lien and it wasn't removed.  I went back to the loan originator...a visit and a phone call later and they said they got it fixed.  In early December I got a letter saying that they had released the lien electronically.  The paperwork was janky though.  One document had my old address while the other document had my incorrect name.  I waited...but no title arrived.   So early this month I went back to the PA office....nope, the lien has not been removed.  Another phone call...then another and they say "our title clerk has called Maryland and Pennsylvania to verify it's been released"   I couldn't help but laugh because my car isn't titled in Maryland any longer.  But I took them at their word (what else could I do).   I waited a few days and that brings me to today.  In the midst of the turmoil of the 401K I decided to tackle the car title.  I figured a win would be a good thing.  Although I said to myself "this could be a bad decision."   Ohhh it was a bad decision.  The electronic lien has STILL not been removed!  And yes, I just spent another hour on the phone with them....and they have vowed to get to the bottom of it.  SO meanwhile, I have a car that I technically own outright, but legally do not own!  OH the joys!

My morning was so much fun that I decided to FINALLY clean off my desk and set up the office for my laptop and my personal use.  When I was first laid off I had said that I wanted to spend my computer time in the office.  I figured it would be a good routine for me to go in there every day to look for jobs and whatnot and I knew it would be good for Zoey to continue with that routine in case I do obtain another work from home position.   The last day or two at home with Zoey has been nuts.  She barks at the littlest noise.  She roams the house.  She demands to be let out constantly and I was starting to get worried about taking a WFH job because my dog had turned into a lunatic while I was home during the day.  I figured I better start working to 'retrain' her in the ways of the behavior while I work.  So I came into the office to clean.   And what do you know, she immediately trotted over to the gate and let out a huge sigh.....almost of relief that her wold was all right again.  She has been sleeping most of the afternoon by my office door.  I have been cleaning and when I make a loud noise she does wake up and check on me, but then goes right back to sleep.   Seeing her settle in so happily to the routine kinda makes me sad, thinking about how confused she must have been.     I am not going to spend all my day in the office.  I will still be working to get her used to me being gone during the day....but a little office routine will be good. 

The only bad side to my emotional day is the fact that I just gave in and ate horribly today.  I feel ashamed.  I feel disgusted. I feel sad.  NOW.  But when in the heat of the moment that food was good!  I'm not letting it get to me.  All is not lost just because I lost control for a few hours (two meals.....breakfast and lunch).  I just need to tighten it up and get back to the basics!

Jason will be home in a few hours and our weekend will begin.  Not sure what we will get into.  It's winter and we have gotten soft in our old age.  Was a day we would have hiked in the cold...but not lately.  hahaha.  But, it will be a weekend together no matter what we do, so that is what counts!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Aw, our dogs do get into such routines, don't they? I am currently trying to get mine used to me going into the basement to work out first thing in the morning. He's so used to getting snuggles first thing, but I'm finding he's willing to wait.
Eating off plan happens, I like that your mindset is to accept that it happened then just get right back on track. Beating yourself up for doing that would only make you want to eat more off-plan stuff. Sounds like you're doing pretty great in 2025.