Tuesday, January 07, 2025

19 years.....Really?

 Somehow in the hustle and bustle of life I missed a very big milestone.  It wasn't the dogs 'adopted' anniversary on January 6th, although we did celebrate that with her.   No, I am talking about January 5th.  What big milestone am I talking about?  Why I am talking about my 19th anniversary of starting this blog.  My blogiversary.  One one hand it seems like yesterday but on the other hand it seems like 12 lifetimes ago!  But January 5th of 2006 that is exactly what I did....I started a little 'online journal'.

In past years I have gone all out, some years were just funny.  Other years were kinda...well..... they were their own unique creations.  Some years I even did repeat anniversary posts!   But hey, lets go through the anniversary posts together.

2013 I didn't acknowledge my anniversary until I was 6 years into maintaining this blog. There were two really funny things about that post.  The first is that I had the date wrong.  Clearly when I look back, my first post was on January 5th....yet on January 6th of my sixth year I wrote a happy birthday/anniversary post.    The other thing that made me chuckle is that I spoke about how it seemed like such a short time but how in terms of the blogging community 6 years was a long time!   Boy, I had no clue that 19 years later I would still be around! 

2016  I didn't mention my blogiversary/birthday/anniversary again until 2016!   Once again, I got the date totally wrong and celebrated it on January 3rd.  (Seriously, was I mental or something?)   Hadn't been writing a whole lot of posts,  I talked about how 10 years didn't seem possible...and how I had written over 1800 posts.  But I used the anniversary post as a means to walk through my journey from highest to lowest.  From success to failure.  I held nothing back. I lost the weight in pictures and I regained the weight in pictures.  I talked about my failed marriage, my new love, running and just about everything in between.  It was a pretty descriptive post if I do say so myself!

2017  Well what do you know, I actually got the date right in 2017!   It was a post similar to this, just looking back over the years and looking forward to the future.   I was still proud of that 10  year anniversary post and referred back to it!

 2018 Look at that, another year where I celebrated on the correct day! This was actually a really interesting post.  I actually wrote a post about things I learned along the way!   Very good stuff.  I also included some stats about my blog...stuff like how many posts, etc.   

2019  Well, I got it wrong again.   This year I posted my blogiversary on January 4th.  In this post I was honest with my success followed by failure.  But I also blatantly stole the post from the 2017, ten year anniversary post and just updated it a wee little bit.  (I'm so lame!)

2020  Hey hey hey, will you look at that, I actually got the date...WRONG again! Yup, I celebrated on January 6th! Even more lame?  I literally copied the previous years post pretty much word for word!   Shame on me!

2021 I got the date right and it wasn't a blatant copy! (Watch out, it's gonna snow!!)   It was a similar post though where I just catch up on life and all of lifes changes and happenings....and more of my history.  I actually talked about how my blog came into existence!

2023   I missed celebrating in 2022 but I came in strong in 2023 with a post that talked about what this blog means to me. (On the correct day to boot!)  And yes, I still agree.....this blog was my salvation when I needed a place to put my thoughts down.  

2024 I started to laugh when I read the opening paragraph of this post.  I actually talked about my misconceptions about when this anniversary really was!   But, I got it right and posted it on the correct day!  The post was another one that was so heartfelt.  It was my thank you to the readers over the years who have supported me!   

2025 is here and I missed the date and I"m celebrating on the wrong day....AGAIN!   But it doesn't mater because 19 years is an amazing accomplishment.  I remain thankful to each and everyone that reads this.  I appreciate your support. I don't plan on stopping....so 20 here we come!

The Stats

Years that I celebrated my anniversary - 10

Years that I celebrated my anniversary on the correct day - 5

Number of posts  2647

Year with the most posts 2008   (334)

Year with the least posts 2022 (41)


Sweat + Sparkle said...

Happy blog anniversary! Now I need to go check when mine is :)

Paula C said...

Happy anniversary! I have been reading for a long time. I will be reading as long as you keep posting.

jen said...

I started about the same time….late 2005 I think….off to check…

MaryFran said...

It's crazy how long we have been in this 'game' of blogging!

MaryFran said...

I am so happy to have you reading too! I don't plan on stopping! My goal for 2025 is to post more. However, I haven't been doing well with that goal....yet!

MaryFran said...

Isn't it crazy to realize how long we have been at this?