Saturday, December 07, 2024

Time Is Flying By

 The last week or two have flown by in a blur!  It feels like it is still before Thanksgiving, yet here I find myself a week after Turkey day!   How can life move by so fast?

Thanksgiving was a good day.  We spent it with my brother and his family.  It is crazy how adult my niece and nephews are becoming (ok, have become as only one is still in high school).  The day after Thanksgiving, Jason woke up and was like, "I think I ate too much last night my stomach is flipping".   He had to work, so he headed out the door.  I spent the day working on some things around the house and I also went to the Bent and Dent Grocery store.  Yes, I got a lot of bargains!  It takes a bit longer to shop because I do check the expiration date on pretty much everything.  However, the deals are incredible.  I texted Jason at lunch to ask how he was feeling and his response came back as not good.   Apparently the stomach pains had escalated as he drove to work and by the time he was at work he was in full out stomach flu mode.  Throwing up, extreme exhaustion chills....  His boss was like "just go home dude"  and Jason said "I don't think I can even drive myself at this point."  so Jason curled up on the floor and slept all morning in their office/'warehouse and the boss went out and picked him up some medicine.  He stopped throwing up at about 1 and felt safe enough to drive home by about 3.  He arrived home at 4 and told me he was going to try to 'stay awake' so that it didn't mess up his sleep that night.   Yeah, that didn't happen.  He was over there snoring within minutes.  He slept all afternoon and evening.  He slept the whole night through and he dozed in and out all day Saturday.   By Sunday, his stomach was fine but he was just still so we spent another day just resting at the house.   We both went back to work on Monday.   He was thankfully just a bit more tired than normal...and he is now feeling back to 100%.

 I had a day off this past week.  I was super busy though.  Literally, I was on the go from the time Jason walked out the door to go to work until the moment Jason got home.  I had been tiptoeing around the house while Jason slept all weekend and stuck close in case he needed me.  Therefore, all my weekend errands and chores were pushed off until Tuesday. (I knew I was off on Tuesday so therefore I had made that decision on the weekend).   My food that day was a bit higher in calories, but I was ok with it. 

For the month of December I would love to lose weight. However, my goal is to maintain my weight.  I have a lot going on in the month.  Including a ton of time off...well hopefully.   Time off is more difficult for me eating sometimes.  Stepping out of the routine is difficult in terms of eating!  But that's ok.   December also brings more baked goods.  It also brings about my birthday and I do plan on making my filled cookie, the one that my mom made for me each year.   I picked up the tradition the first year mom was in a nursing home and I plan on continuing even though mom has passed.  The only difference is that I won't be able to share any with mom.     The cookies are a once a year treat for me.  Or should I say a once a year bake for me.  The last two years that I have made them, I have eaten a few and then I package them up into individual portions and freeze them.  I pull one out here and there and indulge.  Last year there were months that I didn't touch any...but then months where I had one a week!   But, I will say that I ate my last 2023 birthday cookie in October of 2024.  I plan on doing the same thing this year.  

I am still enthralled with the ancestry thing.  It is quite fascinating really. I flip back and forth on different people.  One day I will be looking at my mom's grandmothers family and the next day be looking at dad's adopted family but the next day I switch to looking at Jason's family.  Keeps it fun and unique.    I did get my test tube for  my DNA test.  I supplied my spit, packaged it up and it has been sent off.  They should have it any day now.    So I'm just in a waiting game for that.   I remain hopeful that we can prove one story of my possible grandmothers right or wrong.   We don't need much to prove it enough for me to be happy.  Basically, if I have a bunch of cousins or close family pop up in the UK then we know the story about the RAF pilot is true meaning the person that we are pretty sure is my grandmother is most likely the grandmother (even though she denied it to her dying day) and in that case we know that the other story is false.   (even though she perpetuated the story that she was until her dying day).  Best case scenario, enough key players in the story have done a DNA test at some point out of curiosity and I get straight answer.  But who knows.  I started doing the family tree just so that when I get my DNA results back that I can have a basis of family line so that I can quickly place any matches.   And who knew that it would be so fun!

Work has been stressful.  I typically plan my vacation out and save a few days to roll into the new year.  Up until a few weeks ago they couldn't confirm that we were allowed to roll days this year.  So I had to frantically start scheduling PTO days into a calendar that was already full.  This meant that I kept getting denied my requests.   I got everything but 3 days scheduled.  Luckily they finally announced that we could roll over time.  I breathed a sigh of relief.  But it was short lived.  I went into work after Thanksgiving and they had retracted 3 of my requests and told me that I was out of essence shorting me about 6 days of time.  I was (and am) panicked!  I supplied a breakdown of my days....including screen shots from my paycheck that showed PTO balances and screenshots from our time keeping system to show that the days that I had recorded and planned actually matched those two records.  Then I had an email from my manager telling me that I had taken a week of PTO in February (uhhh my mother died..that was bereavement and not PTO...I forwarded them the obituary (weirdly enough I got PAID for bereavement and nothing was deducted from my PTO balance....but now they are saying that it was PTO).  So now I am waiting for them to right the wrong and give me my time and days off back.  Yes, I'm stressed.  Days off are like money!  I earned them!

So that is the scoop from here.....