Friday, August 30, 2024

I Overdosed

 I overdosed this week!   Big time!   It started out innocently enough but it escalated quickly and now I am here feeling the effects!  And it’s no fun!!

So it started innocently enough!    I was feeling happy on my loss on the scales and I was ready to make this week a success also!  So when I went to the store I picked up plums.  I picked up a huge watermelon (Jason doesn’t eat watermelon…so a huge one for one person is excessive…a bit), I picked up the biggest cantaloupe I could find (he also doesn’t eat cantaloue…not my fav either)   I grabbed bananas, and strawberries and raspberries.    And that was the fruit for ME!   Jason picked up peaches, apples and kiwi for himself!  But back to me…this is my website after all!   At the beginning of the week everything tasted so good!   I was eating big bowls of watermelon!  And cantaloupe and blessedly delicious oranges!  I shared my bananas with the bird!  The plums dropped their delectable juice down my chin.   It was great.  Honestly…probably 70% of my daily calories was coming from fruit!  Ok maybe not 70…but a lot.  It is what was for breakfast…lunch.and all snacks!  

I made it through Thursday…and then came Friday.   I put that bowl of cantaloupe on the table with my morning oatmeal….and I could t do it.  Just the thought of putting a piece of cantaloupe into my mouth made me want to gag!  (The raspberries in my overnight oats were ok though!).   Lunch came around and the thought of eating a plum was repulsive.  And watermelon.  Tears well up in my eyes as I even think about eating a bite of that! 

I literally OD’d on fruit!

I am making my grocery list for next week.  I will be eating fruits and veggies ….but not in that quantity!   

Ohhh and the worst part?  My weight hasn’t moved much!!!