Wednesday, August 28, 2024

10 Week Challenge Week 4 and a change

 4 weeks ago I started a 10 week challenge!  I would love to say that it was a rousing success and that I had lost a lot of weight, but that is not true!  However, there has been a success!

At the end of the first three weeks, I was so frustrated.  What the what?  I was doing it.  I was counting my calories.  I was exercising and after three weeks I was the exact same weight!  Oh my weight had moved.  UP. DOWN.  UP.   But the end result was that I was the same exact weight!  And let me tell you, it wasn't a weight I wanted to see!

I will admit to being in tears.  I will admit to feeling frustrated enough to quit.  But no, I quit at so much in life. This wasn't going to be one of those times!  So I vowed to stick with it for the 10 weeks, come hell or high water!

The tears were not just privately shed in the shower and washed down the drain.  These tears where shared with Jason as I lamented my struggles.  In my mind I had been starting to think about medical intervention (which I knew my family doctor was ok with as she had mentioned it last year, but talked about waiting until my gastro issues were attended to).  Jason and I discussed the possibility of different medical interventions.  I remain resistant but at least a bit open to it!

In the meantime, I decided to switch things up TOTALLY.   I started a new weight loss that I am paying for.  The program is similar to what I have been doing (or trying to do) but has a few different facets and tricks.   I have competed week one of that program and I am happy to say that I have lost 3 pounds!  WOO HOOO!

Yes, I will be sharing the new program with you eventually.  Right now I am just really deciding if this program is for me or not!