Monday, August 19, 2024

10 Week Challenge week 2 and 3

 What in the world!   I thought I posted about week two of my 10 week challenge, but somehow I failed to do so!   This, you will get a two week update.

Week two  of my challenge went well.   I did great with my food.  I got all 5 days of my exercise.  I drank my water.  The only thing I struggled with was the simple 5 minutes of exercises…the planks, squats, sit ups, etc.   the biggest deterrent is the dog.  The dog thinks that whenever I sit (or lay) on the floor that it means that it is time to play.   It’s hard to do a plank in perfect conditions let alone with a 100 plus pound dog trying to climb onto your back.

At the end of week two I saw my weight drop!  A nice drop actually.  3.8 pounds.

I went into week three confident.    And my weight almost immediately spiked right back up.  And there it remained!   My food was ‘eh’. Nothing horrible, but it could have been better!  I still struggled with the simple 5 minutes of exercises.  Water was a struggle.  I did however do 3 out of the 5 cardio days (but picked up one on the weekend with outdoor work so a total of 4 cardio days completed).   The two days I missed I didn’t do it first thing in the morning and promised myself I would do it later.   Yeah, that doesn’t work for me!

And at the end of the week my weight was still back at the original number. That  3.8 pounds loss on week two  was an anomaly and I have officially lost NOTHING on this challenge.

I know that my actions and this challenge are good for ME, even if I don’t lose weight so I am continuing!  I’m determined to finish this challenge.   So many times I start something and then stop when I struggle.  Not this time….I am vowing to see this through!