Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Rain - Finally!

The week is flying by, but not fast enough!  I want the weekend!!!!


 This summer has been a dry one!  We have had to water our garden, flowers and plants almost constantly.  It's been insane!    Dry as a bone!  Yesterday after work I ran around and did a lot of the chores and things that needed done.  I stepped outside with the dog a bit before Jason was scheduled to come home.   She will hound me to be outside because she likes to wait for him and greet him out there.  And hey, it is no skin off my back!  SO outside we went.  I was on the phone with a coworker and we were talking.  The sun was warm but felt awesome on my skin after being in the cold house all day.  Things were going well and then literally I heard the dog back and run across the yard and the next thing I knew the wind was whipping around like crazy and the sky had turned black (ok, maybe not black...but dark and ominous).

I spent the next few minutes getting the yard prepped for a storm.  Well, first I had to run after some garbage that he blown across the yard from the overturned trashcan!   But dog toys cushions from the chairs, etc etc etc.  I moved it al to safer locations.  I  moved our big potted elephant ear plant up against the house to protect it.  I did everything I could to protect against wind.  Then I played with the dog.  I had a sneaky feeling that she wouldn't be able to run outside and play with Jason when he got home (they have their play hour).  So I got her running to expend some  of her energy.  

I was right.  Shortly after Jason got home the skies opened and it poured.  It rained for quite some time.   It was sooo nice!   And soooo needed!  As we have had rain maybe twice in the last month or two and it was just a short 10 minute dealio each time.   We have also had about an hour or rain again today!  Yay!   They say it should rain through Friday.   We just need a nice steady rain!!!

I'm frustrated with my eating and the numbers on the scales.  It's like they just have a mind of their own and no matter what I do they are going up.  It's driving me crazy!  I am TOYING with not weighing myself for a while.  At the beginning of this 10 week challenge I thought about going scaleless for the whole 10 weeks.  but that scares me!  What If I work really hard and only maintain or worse, gain???  So I dismissed that notion.  But I'm back to thinking about it.

 The other thing I am toying with is going to the doctor and asking for help!  I don't want to take medicine for this.  But something is clearly wrong if I"m doing what I should be doing and not losing (and gaining).  

 Weight loss is not a fun journey all the time!