Thursday, August 01, 2024

This dog

 Zoey was a fun addition to our little family.  And sometimes she is adorable!  But sometimes this dog drives me to insanity.   She can swing wildly between the angel dog behavior  and the devil dog persona at the drop of a hat!

While at work I noticed Mertz the cat sleeping with her feet pushed up against the foot board.   Of course I had to take a picture of her.   

Which of course woke her up. But hey, she was still cute. This was in my office/spare room where Zoey is not allowed.  Not because I don’t want the dog in there, but because the office is the cats dog free zone.   Zoey sits at the baby gate in the door so she can be as close to me as possible during my work day.  So she of course noticed me taking a picture of the cat.  She was immediately jealous.

For the next hour or two, this is what I saw.

Yes, Zoey had pushed her big fat head through the cat door in the car and sat there giving me the saddest look to make me feel guilty for paying attention to the cat and not her.

Awwwww  how sweet.

But remember I mentioned devil dog.   I was working on the strength moves that are part of my 10 week challenge.  The dog doesn’t like me doing anything on HER floor.  She made planks difficult the other day.  Today it was the situps/crunches that caused her to flip to the other side!    

Meanwhile, I have aced 3 almost four days  of my 10 week challenge!  Go me!