It was a rough week. I mean, rough! I didn't make all that many strides toward being the healthiest version of me. But, I will still call the last week a win because I survived and I didn't gain. Sure, I didn't lose weight, but I also didn't gain!
I woke up on Monday and I was so ready to get rolling with exercise. Still in my nightgown, I threw on some tennis shoes and commenced with my planned exercise. I was sweating and getting into it when the dog came ambling out of the bedroom. Yes, my dog does NOT like to wake up and will typically stay in the bedroom for for at least 10-15 minutes if not longer until she is sufficiently awake. She came out and instead of laying down near me, she went to the sliding glass door to go out. I paused my workout and walked to the door. I actually looked out to make sure there wasn't any wild animal in the yard and slid open the door to let her out. You see, Jason never has her on a leash and I have been following suit, while he is home. It is so nice on these cold mornings (it was chilly) to not have to 'suit up' to take her out at 5AM! She walked out and immediately squatted to do her business. I gave her a 'good girl' as she finished up. But then she took a few steps further into the yard. My mind was thinking, "ok, she has to do number 2 also." But no, she took a few steps and then took off running into the dark. My heart sank! It was 5AM and my dog had just run away! I yelled for her to come back and do you think that pesky dog came back? Of course NOT. I called for her a few more times and she didn't come. In my head I envisioned her already down at the corner chasing who knows what wild animal. I turned and ran back inside and straight into the warm steamy bathroom where Jason was showering. I yelled out my dilemma and then turned to run back outside to try to coax my wayward dog home. The next thing I knew, Jason was standing beside me right outside the sliding door. He called for the dog a few times and whadya know? That dog came lopping right back into the yard and skedaddle right into the house. She knew she was in trouble...she RAN to her crate and self punished herself. Now you may already be laughing about this story.....but I haven't mentioned the absolute best part! When Jason came out of the shower he knew he had to corral his disobedient canine he had wasted no time. He did not dry off. He did not get dressed. In fact, he didn't even grab a towel. Yes, my husband was out yelling for the dog naked as a jaybird! At lunch when we texted each other, he actually asked me. "Do you think they neighbors heard me yelling at her so loud at 5AM?" I busted out laughing and responded. "I don't know if they heard you or not, but you should have been more concerned about if they SAW you" I giggled ALL. DAY. LONG about this.
Most awesome story ever.....and no, I never finished the workout.
Tuesday morning was no less eventful. I woke up sick as dog! I laid in bed for a bit, thinking that I must have a touch of some stomach bug. But then I started to really isolate where the pain was. Once I realized WHERE the pain was coming from, I knew. I was having a flare up of GERD. Oh hell no! Last year I ended up in the ER and they gave me IV medications and all that jazz. I did NOT want to go that route. So , miserable as I was and even though putting anything into my mouth (food, pills or water) was the last thing I wanted to do, I started to down medicine. I dosed myself up heavy. I ate mylanta like it was candy! And luckily, I was able to get the flare up under control. It was a pretty miserable day though!
I woke up on Wednesday just tired. The GERD flare-up just wiped me out! No exercise for me! But I did walk the dog (on a leash) at the normal time before work. We were walking through the grove of nut trees, heading to drag the garbage can back up to the house. When all of a sudden Zoey saw a dog and she took off running. Normally this is not a problem. She is on a leash so she runs and then stops. But this time she ran around a tree. The force of the leash catching and stopping her momentarily wrenched my arm backward and reflexively I dropped the leash. And just like that, my dog was on the loose again. I was yelling out to the person on the road, "she is friendly...she is friendly" as I chased after my dog and her dangling leash. Zoey showed no sign of aggression. Nor did she jump up. She just wanted to be friendly with the man and his dog. I got there and untangled the leash and kept apologizing profusely about my lunatic dog.
No exercise that day because of just being so tired and wore out from the flare up!
Thursday, oh my aching arm and shoulder! Remnants of lunatic dogs great escape the day before. Dumb Dog. No exercise those days either!
I made the choices this week. Exercise doesn't always mean health. I made choices for my HEALTH and that is ok.
Food wise? I haven't tracked a single bite I have eaten. That is ok also because I maintained! The no exercise and no tracking can't continue though! So back at it!
I laughed entirely too hard at the dog antics! Only b/c I can relate SO much! Hope this next week is more uneventful!