Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Soul Searching

There sometimes comes a point in life when you start to think about where you are, what your life is and where your life is going.   Lately I have been in one of those introspective moods.   I don’t have the answers.  I don’t know how to ‘do it all’ but I know I have to make some changes because otherwise I will remain stagnant!  Stagnant is not thriving at this thing called life. 

So what is the biggest thing that I have been pondering in this de-stagnating of my life (is de-stagnating even a word?)?    Finishing projects.

I have so many ideas.  Plans flow freely.  I have so many grand plans!  I start things.  But then life happens.  I’m tired of unfinished projects!  It is time to knock some off those things off the pile and finally finish them. 

Canal Boat Cats - Years ago, like 20 years ago I wrote a kids book.  It kinda started as a whim but then a few people read it and encouraged me to actually do something with it.   One big supporter of this idea was a friend of my mom’s who was a third grade teacher. Every time she saw me she asked me if I had done anything yet.  Yet I haven’t done anything.   My biggest hold up?  It’s not illustrated and I am so not an artist!  I tried to play a bit with doing something on canva…but I don’t know!   

Lessons Learned - years ago (when I was at my lowest weight I started to write a book about lessons I’ve learned about weight loss.  It is probably 90% written.  I stopped working on it heavily when I gained weight.  (But frequently reread and edit).  I feel like I have to lose the weight before I can do something with that.  Maybe that’s just my fear talking though.

Tales from the Scales- a collection of often hysterically crazy (seriously, I toasted a mouse),  sometimes  times victorious, and frequently embarrassing stories about my adventures losing weight.  

Digitizing pictures- I was working heavily on digitizing my family pictures.  I got sidetracked when my computer started acting funky and it was just more annoying to use my computer!   It eventually died and I recently got a new one!  So I am back on that project!  I think I still have a few boxes of pictures at my parent’s house….so a ways to go!  The scanning of the pictures though isn’t bad except that my office looks like a photography studio blew up scattering pictures everywhere!  :-)    Scanning is a mindless task, so I do it while at my desk during the day. 

Speaking of my family.  I also took on the task of organizing mom’s recipes.  We found hundreds recipes throughout the house!   I have plans to put them in book form…so that is in the works.  That one is in my head though….for the moment!  The recipes however are digitized! (Well there is a pile of recipes that I’ve looked through and can say definitively that mom never made them!)

The Lone Star Quilt-   I started a lone star quilt a while back.  I am hand piecing it.  It’s more time consuming to hand piece, but easier because I can have work on it anywhere.  I don’t have to have a sewing machine out.  It just works better for my life.   However about two years ago we got a puppy.   And my quilt had to be temporarily put away .  Yup, it’s still away!

I grabbed dad’s ties with grand plans to turn them into a quilt.  So I have a bin of ties.  Hmmmmmm

So many plans. Too little time!  Yes,  time is an issue!!    But I want to clean up some of these projects.   Even that lessons learned.  I want it finished even if I never publish it!  I want the projects finished.  They are hanging over my head.  I don’t know that I would say I’m overwhelmed, I’m excited about the projects.  I’m just overwhelmed with the lack of time to complete them!   And I’m making a vow…when I get caught up, it will be one project at a time!!!  (I’ve said this before though!)

No matter what happens with these projects, I need to  strive and push forward!  Sitting back and saying there is not  enough time to finish anything has gotten me nowhere!  It’s time to move forward!

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