Monday, October 14, 2024

An Easy Hike and the End of Vacation // Vacation 2024 Part 2

  For me, this is not a good time!  Yet, it always happens!   I started to bemoan the fact that vacation was flying by about mid way through.  Yes, Halfway through my 11 days and I started to fret about going back to work.   How sad is that?

Caledonia State Park

After our day hiking at Cowan’s Gap, where I had suffered issues with keeping my breathing regulated and then that panic attack on the steep trail, I was worried about how my legs were going to feel. (You can read about that here.)   I didn’t know if I was going to pay the price for that strenuous trail.   But surprisingly they didn’t feel too bad.   So we grabbed the dog and headed to a very local state park, Caledonia.   The dog is not the greatest hiker, yet.  She tends to get super excited and it’s a lesson in patience and a battle of wills to keep her under control while we are out.   In fairness, it IS getting easier.  She settles down a lot more quickly and doesn’t pull quite as bad.   (I can’t even imagine her on the steep trail at Cowan’s Gap! She would have handled it better than us, but she would have most definitely pulled one or both of us off our feet!).   With this in mind, we decided to hike some of the easy trails near the visitor center.  It was a good hike.  The scenery was pretty and it was a nice easy hike, which in all fairness, I probably needed.   We actually hiked more miles than the day before, but they were faster and flat! 

Crystal Grotto

On Friday we woke up and Jason had a message from his boss.  A part for a client had been left in Jason’s work van and he was trying to figure out how to get the part so that he would not have to cancel on the client.   We offered to drop off the part.  That put us about an hour south of where we live and we knew we would get into something.  We decided to go to Crystal Grottos.  We had gone to the Grand Cavern years ago when we were first dating and about a week ago Jason had mentioned that it had been a long time since he had been in a cave (almost 9 years) so I put it on the list of possible vacation ideas.   Seemed like a perfect way to spend some time!   The tour was about 45 minutes and it was informative.  The tour though was a bit ‘campy’ with cringy jokes and a gazillion nicknames for the different formations. But it was still absolutely amazing to see these formations buried underground!


The Weekend

The weekend is now upon us and this gives us only two days of vacation left.   As sad as it is, we knew that we kinda had to wrap up the vacation mode and get back to normal.   We mutually decided to swing back into normal weekend routines.  What does that mean for us?   It means the normal life things like groceries, mowing, cleaning the bird cage, cleaning the house, making muffins for Jason’s breakfasts.  I even plan on making a batch of baked ziti on Sunday to have for dinner on Monday night.  I’m going to try to ease back into this work week routine as easy as possible.     I am hopeful that we can rattle through these chores today (Saturday) and do something fun on Sunday.  But only time will tell! 

With the end of vacation comes the beginning of a new chapter in my efforts to lose weight.  We had a few conversations and I have made a vow to give up my diet soda (Say it aint so!)  I also had my eyes opened about my diminishing fitness level during this vacation and I have made a determination that I will be working out daily. The only way to halt the decline is to exercise….so that is what I will do!  I am excited about getting started.  I have been rereading old posts and I’m ready to do this once and for all.  It is time!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Vacation Fun


Vacation is in full swing now.    I made a vow that we were NOT going to do all house stuff on our vacation like we did the last two years.    Last year we painted our shed! (You can check that here.)   Last year we at least did a few hikes during the week of work.   The year before, we tore down the lean to on the shed and rebuilt it.   We worked from sun up to sun down each day of that vacation from work! It was so intensive that I didn’t write a post or even take pictures!  So this year when we decided to do a stay-cation, I vowed that we were not going to spend the whole time doing work around the house, we were going to spend the bulk of the days doing fun things!   Ohhh, how best laid plans fail!

The Waterfall

I had off those two days that I spent with my nephew (you can read about that here)  before Jason’s vacation started.   On Saturday the first official day of OUR vacation (when Jason was also off) we did have some things to do around the house.  We had just come off about 2 weeks of constant rain and drizzle.  The grass was up to my neck. (That could be a slight exaggeration but only slightly.)  We knew this going into the vacation and it was planned.  (Just like another day of yardwork and mowing will probably happen at the end of the vacation week).   All was going smashingly well.  I had been doing a few things in the kitchen while Jason started outside.  I finished cleaning the kitchen and decided to run down to the basement to flip some laundry before joining the work party outside.   I walked down the steps and I knew something was wrong.  I could hear water dripping.   I looked over and one of our drain lines/sewer lines was dripping.   Luckily, it was dripping into the unfinished (but plumbed) shower that we have in the basement, so the water was going down the drain!    I called Jason and he reached up to inspect the leak and when he touched the pipe, his finger went through the pipe.   WE now had not just a leak but a gaping hole in our sewer line.  The other lucky thing?  It was the kitchen sink and NOT a toilet!   We now had a repair to contend with, on vacation.    We placed the sink out of commission (a bag over the faucet kept us from using it) and we ignored the issue the rest of the day and all day Sunday.  Well, we didn’t quite ignore it.  We researched how to repair a cast iron sewer line.  Yes, most of our house plumbing was upgraded.  But of course not that pipe!     On  Monday we started the morning at Lowes, to buy the stuff to patch the pipe for a quick fix.    WE came home and did the patch.  But it didn’t work!   We took the afternoon off from sewer pipes as we had a vet appointment for Zoey. But, that evening we headed back to Lowes to buy supplies to replace the bad part!   We got home, and realized we forgot the blade that we needed that would cut through cast iron!   So Tuesday morning it was back to Lowes for a blade!   Luckily by Tuesday afternoon I had a working sink!   Best laid plains…..I vowed limited chores around the house and life conspired against us and forced us to spend the time.

The Harper Cemetery

On Sunday we wanted to do something fun to kick off our vacation.   We threw a few ideas around and finally settled on a familiar place to visit.  We decided to go to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.   We drove the hour there and drove around looking for a parking spot.   It was literally wall to wall people!  People were everywhere!  Finally, we gave up and said “not for us, not today”.   We instead went up into the town above the tourist area, and parked at the Harpers Cemetery.  Now you can walk down into Harpers Ferry from the cemetery and we toyed with doing so.  However, parking is limited to 30 minutes at the cemetery.  Should we risk it and assume that they won’t notice our car parked there for an extended time?   We decided to not risk it.  I know from first-hand experience that the park police DO patrol and WILL give tickets and the whole nine yards.  So we decided to explore the graveyard.   We saw the Grave of the Founder of Harpers Ferry.   WE saw some neat gravestones.   I had fun with my camera and Jason had fun with his drone.    We took the scenic route home and stopped at a few neat little places and had an enjoyable day!

The pictures?   The old US Armory Paymasters mansion is adjacent to the graveyard.   I was having fun taking pictures.   When I got home, I had two out of my multiple shots that had orbs in them.   I don’t normally see that many orbs and honestly, I usually attribute them to sun, dust and whatever.  But this was crazy!  

Cowan's Gap State Park

After two days of sewer pipes and vet appointments and other non-fun things, we wanted to do something fun on Wednesday.   We went over the options and quickly decided to go hiking.  Where was the question.   We went back to our old standby, Cowan's Gap.  It is relatively close and it is very pretty!  A lot of the time we go to Cowan's Gap and do the lakeside trail, which is about a mile and a half.  We sometimes do it multiple times to ante up the miles.  But today, I wanted something different.   SO, I planned a hike around the park boundaries.   The first trail was 2.5 miles and labelled ‘more difficult’….the middle of difficulty levels.  I felt confident that I could handle that trail.   At the end of the 2.5 miles though we had a choice.  We could take the horseshoe trail which was a hair less than a mile but was listed as ‘most difficult’ and the description read ‘very steep and very rugged.  Or we could turn ourselves around and make our hike and out and back.  I was undecided when we arrived at the park.  I decided to stop by the park office and ask.   The lady there was like ‘Ohhhh they just put switchbacks on the horseshoe trail it’s so much easier now.’   With that recommendation, we decided to go for it!


The first trail was actually a portion of the Standing Stone Trail, which is an 80 mile trail within Pennsylvania.  The first mile and a half were uphill but it was graded and fantastic.  This was good because the first ¼ to ½ mile was TERRIBLE for me.  My heart rate was under 100 but my breathing was chopping and erratic.  I kept stopping to try to get it regulated.  I started to count my breaths in and then count the breaths out.  I was gearing up for a horrible hike!  Luckily, my body remembered this thing called breathing and it got MUCH better. (When I first started running, this was a problem and it took me a LONG time to get my breathing down, I even had issue with it during a 5K run which you can read about here.)    We got to the top and checked out the overlook and we hiked on.   Standing Stone Trail turns into a really rocky path, but it was gorgeous and while I was going a bit slower, I still wasn’t concerned about the hike.   We finally reached the Horseshoe trail turn off. Our first words were “wow, it’s steep” .    But the park visitor lady had said it wasn’t bad so down we went.  We went SLOW.  The leaves on the ground made it slick and hid the loose rocks on the trail.  It was not fun, but I was doing it.    We were seeing no signs of switchbacks but I was fine, slow but fine.   And then we hit the first switchback.  The switchback was not any easier!   But we made it through and got back onto the main trail and all I could see was the trail sweeping down dramatically in front of me.   And I had an immediate panic attack!  I was stuck on the side of a mountain in a panic!    I didn’t really have a choice, I had to get myself off the mountain.  I kept going down.  Slowly, inch by inch, foot by foot, tear by tear.   I made it to the bottom.  I was sore and tired but I made it!   We finished up our hike with a stroll around the lake.    It was difficult.  I am sore.   But it was worth it! 


 We have had two fun adventures thus far.  Who knows what the rest of the week will bring!