Wednesday, June 12, 2024


I am still doing my word of the week.  Yes, I am kinda shocked that I have maintained it for a half of year!   If you have been reading this long enough, you will notice that I try things but long term seem to ‘forget’ or fall away or move on to something else.  But the word of the week has been fairly consistent!   Sure, I have had weeks where I have maybe forgotten or just plopped a word in there just to have a word of the week.  But for the most part, I have been pretty good with my words of the week.   And even more interesting, I choose words at the beginning of the week and many times they turn into something that is meaningful or motivating for me.

My word of the week last week was Shine.  I was happy with that.  I was going to shine.  But then the whole scale fiasco happened.  (Read about that Here). I didn’t give up and maintained keeping my journal and every time I went to enter my information into my journal, I saw that word of the week.  Shine.  I even laughed a few times because I felt like anything BUT shine.  But the word reminded me daily that we sometimes have to shine even when it’s dark.  So I did it, shine I did.  Maybe it was a bit more like a dull luster, but I did it!

I stayed on course even though I was disappointed and frustrated.  I held myself together.  I I managed to lose 2.6 pounds!  So by holding onto whatever shine I could, I was able to lose 2.6 pounds!

So when this week rolled around, I decided to try the SHINE again.  I am proud of my full luster week!   Just in holding it together was a victory, the weight loss was just icing on the cake.  And if I only can generate a full luster again this week, that’s fine.  But I am aiming for a full sparkle shine!

This week I am continuing the 16:8 fast plan.  I will have a 24 hour fast in this week also.  Makes me nervous because  I did try a 24 hour fast a few weeks ago and failed.  You can read about it Here.) I had no problem reaching the 24 hours. But I gained a pound!    This fast is due to a medical procedure.   I am having an endoscopy on Friday.   No food after midnight…and by the time I get back from the procedure it will be 4ish…so it will be close to dinner…so I will just wait for dinner.    So kinda a forced fast.  I am working to keep my calories under 1500.  I need to get it a bit lower.  I know that 1200-1350 is my sweet spot and I have been hovering closer to the 1500!  But this is a work in progress!


Paula C said...

First great job not giving up. Given the type of week you had it was tough! I had s gain last week but like you I am not giving up. I want this weight gone. I know it starts in the kitchen. This week I have taken a small walk every night after supper & no eating after dinner.

Amy said...

Way to shine!