Oh my word! Has it really been 17 years? It surely has! I started this blog in January of 2006 and I have maintained it ever since then, even if sometimes sporadically.
This blog has been so much to me. It was the outlet for me when I was first figuring out this weight loss thing. I was a large girl when I first started this blog!
This blog was my salvation! It was my random thoughts as I learned how to eat healthy. It was my outlet as I figured out what plans and techniques to use to lose weight. I celebrated my successes and temporary failures as I lost a LOT of weight. I actually even lost down to my goal weight with weight watchers!
This blog walked with me hand in hand when I went through my divorce. It followed me when I was falling in love with Zumba. It was there when I was running consistently.
This blog has also been there as I've regained more weight than I want to admit...but pictures don't lie!
This blog has been there through the good times and the bad times for sure! I know most of the people that started out blogging when I did have left the scene, but I'm sticking around.
I sometimes get so mad when I try to find something and can only find videos. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I like to read my information sometimes! So I wil continue to write. PLUS, writing for me is cathartic. It allows me to process things in my head. It allows me to work through problems. Plus, I have this weight to lose!!! It allows me to see things more clearly! So here I am....ready to keep writing! Lets make it to 20!!!! (and beyond!)