Saturday, June 03, 2023

Badass or Big Buffoon

Monday marks seventeen and a half years that I have been writing about my efforts to lose weight.    Wow, just writing that makes me feel like an old timer!   I have had success but I have had a lot of failure, yet I continue to write.  Does that make me bad ass or a buffoon?  I mean, it could go both ways.  And how I feel about my weight loss journey vacillates between the two options.  

The Argument for Buffoon

 How many times have I restarted this weight loss journey? Yet I’m no closer to the end result.  I remain full of desire to lose this weight and regain a healthy life, yet I fail time and time again.  It is rather embarrassing to keep writing about failure after failure, yet the buffoon in me keeps writing about my downfalls and my defeats.  

Plans have been plentiful.  I will count all my habits and assign points to them.   I will follow a plan for intermittent fasting.    I will ride my bike 2022 miles in 2022. There is always a new plan to make myself healthy.  The fact that I have to come up with a new plan so frequently points to buffoon, because a new plan indicates that my previous umpteen plans have failed. 

The Argument for Badass

I honestly sometimes think that the sheer longevity of this blog is enough to make me badass.   The numerous posts show that I never gave up.   I haven’t let failures slow me down on my weight loss efforts.   I am not a failure, because I never quit…I’m badass.  

While there have been failures, I have also had successes!  I did manage to complete my 2021 miles in 2021, and I did it a few months early!  I have run 5k’s and 10k’s.   I have ridden a mountain bike on trails that terrify me!  I have had periods of high success with my efforts.  I’ve done amazing things! I have been a badass!

Badass or Buffoon

I guess the answer lies in my feelings on each individual day.  Some days I will wear the title of buffoon while I write about a failure once again.  But other days I will feel like a total badass as I conquer some trail, or challenge or see the scales showing me down a pound or two.   That is part of this rollercoaster journey of weight loss and I will just have embrace the feelings as they come, even while striving to ensure that there are more and more badass days and fewer buffoon days!


peppylady (Dora) said...

Coffee is on, and stay safe.

Anele @ Success Along the Weigh said...

I vote badass because you're not quitting. Do you know how many times I've gone to check on blogs of people I used to follow and they haven't written for 5-10 years? It makes me so sad because I wonder how they are and I have to assume that it in their eyes, they "failed" so they stopped writing. If you'd told me 10 years ago after losing my first 200 lbs that I STILL wouldn't be at goal weight, I might've given up and thought 'what's the point?' The point is giving up is easy and sticking with it is hard. You're sticking with it, trying to find new ways to motivate yourself, etc. That is ALWAYS a win!

MaryFran said...

I always also wonder if people that have stopped blogging have given up or if they reached their goals and have no need to write anymore. (I fear it's the given up). I'm trying to channel the badass side for sure!

Amy said...

I used to read a blog called Escape From Obesity and ended up feeling a little lost when she stopped blogging after she regained some and had trouble losing again. I still check from time to time. I think when someone has been blogging for a while they become a sort of community for others and we cheer you on and feel your struggles with you. Weightloss blogs are about so much more than weight! I think you're a badass for your honesty, patience, endurance and hope.

Mrs Swan said...

YES, Amy! I used to read her blog as well! She went private a long time ago and I wonder if it is even used still.

I too have been blogging for years.

There are a few that stopped when they lost their weight. I don't know how they are doing now. CurvyGreekGirl and a gal that changed her blog name to Punchapaloosa I don't recall her original blog name.

Our blogs have changed with us. I am not the same person I was back when I started. I am not the same person that I was last year either. LOL We are constantly changing!

Badass btw because you rarely go with long stretches between posts.