This week was a total bust! I made myself promises and vows and I went belly up on all of them! It was just one of those weeks!
I wrote last week About my upcoming stressful week and boy was I right. It was stressful. No, as I wrote this on Friday morning before work let me rephrase that to say it IS stressful. It was as confusing and messed up as I expected. There is something horrible about working with someone that expects you to know the most basic of answers and you sit there and have no clue! It’s a bad bad feeling and it was repeated time and time again this past week! But it is what it is. I have survived and I will continue to survive I’m sure.
In the midst of this week I had a job interview for a job promotion within my company. I feel as if I spoke in riddles and didn’t have one coherent thought during the interview. Hopefully the two interviewers were able to understand my ramblings (or what I feel was ramblings). If I get the job good...if not it’s ok. It is a job that I have heard is one of the hardest jobs in our division of the company. It is also the stepping your dues I have been told by a few others. So I’m ok with either outcome of the interview ...but seriously...and interview in the middle of a stressful launch??? But hey...I survived!
What didn’t survive? My healthy eating goals. I tracked nothing. I barely drank water. I ate a lot more carbs then I should have. I totally bombed on any semblance of trying to lose weight.
It was so bad that last night I wasn’t hungry. I knew I wasn’t hungry when started to eat dinner. But dinner was something I don’t have often and something I love! So I ate it anyway! And then I laid in bed all last night with a stomach ache! I ate myself sick! I haven’t done that in a long time...and I don’t like the feeling. I won’t even vow to not do it again...because while I don’t plan on it, I know it will most likely happen. Human nature. But yeah, that shows how bad my eating has been.
Right now I am just going to focus on one foot in front of the other. This journey is hard and I’m struggling!!!