Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Back to Work

I just had a glorious five days off of work!  The normal Memorial Day three day weekend occurred,  it I sandwiched that with a Friday and Tuesday off of work! Ahhh it was good!

the First two nights I still slept very poorly and woke from dreams about work and thoughts about work swirling through my head.  Not pleasant!  But after those two nights my body had let go of some of the stress and I started sleeping like a log!

As I mentioned in my Last post, I had a great Visit with my friends.  I also spent time running errands and doing the grocery shopping!  I wanted to have as many of those mundane things done so as to allow more time for flat out fun activities with Jason as he only had a three day weekend!

Saturday dawned and it was rainy and cold!  We relaxed at home.  We watched tv and just enjoyed our time at home!  We did get out of the house for a bit...but it was a very low key day!!  The animals enjoyed having us home for longer stretches!

Mertz loved curling up next to me...and of course our crazy conure, Kiwi had to be involved in everything also!

On Sunday we decided to go exploring a bit.  We went up to Gettysburg and walked all around town.  We did some geocaching while we were out and about and ended up in some interesting and neat places! The Round Barn Farmers Market was quite neat!

We enjoyed the dog jump competition that we stumbled upon also!!

We were tired but happy after our day of fun!

Monday rolled around and we decided to do more geocaching.  So that is Alexa fly what we did...went from geocache to geocache and learned more about the area!

At our very last geocache we saw an old abandoned school!
We circled the school and the back doors were open.  Of course we went in!!

We went home tired, sunburnt and happy.

Tuesday meant back to work for Jason and a dentist appointment for me.  (No cavities!). I then spent some time with mom.  And that rounded put my long glorious weekend!

I am ready to get back to being serious about my weight loss efforts. Not totally strict and unbending, but just a lot more cognizant.  I have maintained and now it’s time to tighten the reigns and lose.  I realized on Friday that this had to be done....but I knew with my commitments that this weekend was going to be just more of hanging on.  But since it is back to the routing as of tomorrow, it’s time to get serious!

it’s not easy...but it will be worth it!


Anonymous said...

one tightens "reins"; a queen "reigns";

jen said...

What a lovely long weekend.

Onwards to grabbing those reins and riding onto a great week.

Mrs Swan said...

That is quite the set up on Kiwi's cage there. Spoiled birdie.LOL
Glad you enjoyed your time off. Happy Wednesday that feels more like Monday to me.

SANRDJ said...

What a wonderful long weekend. You guys sure find some neat places to explore!! :) No go grab those reins!

Lynn said...

I'm glad to not have those work dreams anymore! They have all gone away.

Amy said...

Awesome photos!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear you finally got some much needed rest. I have read how important sleep is for weight loss. I hope work environment improves so you can sleep. I love those pictures too. That round barn looked so cool. I haven't seen many round barns & I live in WI.

Paula C

Sarah said...

Happy to see that you're still hanging in there and of course I love all the exploration you do! I really do need to get back on my blog.

Sweat + Sparkle said...

I would have totally gone into that school too! How cool. Did you see the sentence on the chalkboard? I like that too. I used to live near Gettysburg and love it. I would love to go back!

MaryFran said...

That’s what happens when one types a post on their phone in a hurry! Hahah

MaryFran said...

Yes, Kiwi is totally spoiled! A much loved member of the family!

MaryFran said...

Thanks...still trying to grab them and run...but I’m going to try again!

MaryFran said...

Yes! You are so lucky!! :-)

MaryFran said...


MaryFran said...

Round barns are so rare! I was happy to see this one and see that it is a business we could go into! They rent the upper floor for events...that would be neat!!!

MaryFran said...

Exploration on the weekends helps us get through the long work weeks! :-). Yes, get back to your blog! (If it’s something you want!!!)

MaryFran said...

Yes, the sentence on the chalk board was cool! I’m kicking myself for not also taking video! :-)

How cool that you used to be near Gettysburg...it’s a nice area!!