So while I am ok with my weight after vacation....I still find myself panicking. I go back to the first official post vacation weigh in shortly after I reached my goal weight. It is the vacation where I started my backwards slide! Yeah, this one..... I know it’s not the same....but my mind goes there....what if I never recover? What if I never lose the weight and start regaining? What if I end up back at 330 pounds?
I am eating right....and we did go out for a ride this past weekend and I have started walking on my lunch break again this week (ok yesterday...but it’s a start)
I fears are silly...but my weight is just not dropping quickly...but it hasn’t this time around. It seems as if I drop a half pound then maintain for a week or two and then drop another half pound. It’s still progress but it is slooooow!
So that is where I am at! Worried...panicked....just plodding along and staying on track for this weight loss journey!
A video of last weeks progress can be found here....