
Wednesday, January 02, 2019

New Year Equals New Plans

Welcome to the new year! 

2018 ended with a bang sneeze for me.   Yes, I have been sick for what seems like weeks..  We were struggling with something in mid December and it finally came to a head and I have been sick as a dog for the last few days.  I think I have turned the corner and today felt mostly human.  So it's finally time to talk about the plans for the new year!

I am not setting any resolutions.  It's as simple as that!   A year is a long time.  People make goals for the year but then stumble and give up.  So I'm not setting any yearly goals.  That doesn't mean I don't have plans for 2019 though!bb I AM going to work to try to live a healthier lifestyle.  Yes, ultimately I would like to weight less....but my only thoughts for the new year is one of health!

That said....I DO have monthly goals for January!

1.  Track every bite of food
2.  Put money into my savings
3.  Weight less than I do now!  I don't care if it's a measly ounce...I want to weigh less!
4.  Do something active (a walk suffices) at least 3 times a week.

So day one is over.

I tracked.  I also DID get out and walk.  I got more steps yesterday then I have gotten in AGES!  We didn't want to do anything stenuous.  So we ended up going to a HUGE graveyard and walking!   It was just what we needed.  I got over 5 miles of walking in.  So I'm happy.  But after being sick for so long the activity really kicked me in the behind!  (Seriously...WEEKS....and about a month before that I was having a tightness in my chest that alerted me to the oncoming onslaught of illness).  Enjoy the pictures from our walk through the graveyard.


Confederate Graves

Neat moss growing on a bench

A perfectly shaped tree

So here I am heading into day two.  The first day is always now is when it starts to get hard!!!!!  I can roll through January successful and reach my goals....and that will only build to my year of health!