
Monday, September 16, 2019

Weigh in Results

Another week in this weight loss journey is in the books.  I continued on much like normal for this past week.  However, I DID change my eating plan just a bit and let me tell you.  I was SCARED that I had messed everything up!!

As I wrote recently  I decided that I needed to change up my eating a bit.  That mainly meant that I would no longer be doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting and that I would be eating something at breakfast.  It also meant that I would be raising my calorie count on the weekends that I am riding heavily (and on the day after an intense ride).   I was confident with my plan.  I was pretty sure it was the right thing to do, but actually carrying out this plan really scared me.  I was super afraid that I would be upsetting the fine line of balance that I have achieved over the last few months.  You see, for the first time in my adult life I feel at peace and balanced in regards to my food intake and choices.  I don't feel guilty when I do indulge in a bit of a sweet treat. I also don't feel deprived when I do NOT indulge.  The indulgences are not everyday and not even every other day (or every third day).  I probably indulge maybe once a week.....and usually the indulgence falls on an intense workout day.   So you see, I didn't want to mess up that balance in my head.  But, of course I was also worried that it would backfire in regards to the numbers on the scales.

This past week’s weigh in should have been a lose week as this  was the lose weight week  on this new gain/maintain one week and lose the next see saw that I seem to be riding.  When  I went to step on the scales I just crossed my fingers that I lost!  I did!
I also went to see my family doctor this past week.  I had to have my annual physical.  But I also needed to talk to her about my weight, simply because I needed her to sign off on an appeal paper for my health insurance (so that I could reap the healthy weight discount on my monthly premiums).    She was happy with my efforts this past year.  She is happy with my plans and where I am at with my eating.  She concurs with my raised calorie intake plan.  She IS however concerned about my blood pressure.  It was elevated a bit. (I do have a touch of white coat  But all in all, it was a good visit.

So, This upcoming week is the week that I have been typically maintaining (or gaining).  This week is the TRUE test of my raised calories and breakfast experiment.  I've got my fingers crossed that I have found the magic solution to get this weight dropping CONSISTENTLY!  A weight loss journey is not for the faint at heart.  This weight loss journey is a constant battle to find the right balance, the right plan, the right everything.  I will keep adjusting and keep striving for my goals.  I KNOW that they are worth it!


  1. Yes, those goals are worth it. You are doing amazing.

    1. Thanks!!! I’m really trying!!!

  2. You are doing great. So motivated. Puts me to shame.

    1. Believe me...I was there and unmotivated for quite some time!!!! And there are still quite a few days where I have no motivation to get out and move!!!

  3. Really happy for you that you've figured out what your body does and are OK when not every week is a loss (which is an unreasonable expectation that I had to learn a time or three). Keep on keeping on!

    1. I have to keep reminding myself of that ‘dont Expect to lose each week’ thing! It’s a killer...the kiss of death to a weight loss journey!!!

  4. Fantastic job this week! I hope you have an equally awesome week coming up!

  5. Your goals seem quite reasonable and workable. Also I went to my doctor a short time ago. Her and I set a healthy reasonable weight goal. Mine is 150.
    Coffee is on

    1. How tall are you? That seems pretty reasonable! I haven’t set an end goal weight with this I will be anxious to see what she says as my end weight!

  6. Wow! You are less than 5 pounds away from a 100 pound loss! That's amazing! Awesome work! Always trust yourself, diets and plans can be reworked by once you lose trust in yourself the whole thing falls apart.

  7. Great!! Glad you found an answer!! I have been having issues with the nasty scale this last week....I have 8# to lose and can't seem to make much headway. aaarrgh

    Midwest Bovine

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. congrats on all levels

    new blog Land Of Wonder

  10. Yaaassss! I am so happy that your new plan is working! I am just kind of hovering about the same weight for the last few weeks and I need to kick myself in the pants. LOL

    Cannot wait to hear about how this new week treats you!

  11. Your doing a great job! I think we just have to make adjustments along the way. But it is scary when it could backfire.

    Glad the doc visit went well.
