
Friday, December 21, 2018

At a loss for words

I am at a loss for words today. It doesn’t happen often so mark the date in your calendar!!!    But health wise I’m just mute!   

Why is this?  Let me bullet point it!

* I am disgusted at my current weight
* I am holding on with a maintain through the holidays...and that makes me happy but I still don’t like to see the numbers I am seeing on the scales!
*I have been rocking the first holiday events    At the dessert fest on Wednesday at work I did not partake in ANYTHING!    At the team potluck...I managed to stop eating when I was confortably full.  NO stuffing myself to the point that I felt sick!  I nailed those two events!   I have a few more....
*The  different schedule has messed up my work outs....I am struggling to get anything done!   I want a better fitness level but attaining it seems to be out of reach!  (I’s my choice!)
*The desire to lose weight is as strong as ever....for various private reasons!!