Noooooo. I don’t want the weekend to end!!! I am dragging on this Monday morning!!!! We had a really low key weekend, which is what we probably needed. Our low key weekend gave me some insight to the weigh in pattern that I have been seeing, so that was good! But in the grand scheme of things, my eating was horrible!!! So without further ado, let’s get into the nitty gritty of my weekend!
Friday at work I developed a bad headache that drove me to the cafeteria looking for caffeine. I found caffeine...and a chicken salad sandwich and...

It didn’t help...I really needed a second package to take the ache away. But...I didn’t get it!! I just ate the one package!!! And boy was it delicious!!!! I don’t feel you know how long it’s been since I indulged in one of these??? My favorite candy??? The important thing is that it was ONE package...and I was done. I didn’t buy more over the and done!!! (Oh and even with the caffeinated drink...I still made my water goal for the day! I drank the soda alternately with my water while at work! And I already had almost three down by the time I got the soda!!)
It didn’t help...I really needed a second package to take the ache away. But...I didn’t get it!! I just ate the one package!!! And boy was it delicious!!!! I don’t feel you know how long it’s been since I indulged in one of these??? My favorite candy??? The important thing is that it was ONE package...and I was done. I didn’t buy more over the and done!!! (Oh and even with the caffeinated drink...I still made my water goal for the day! I drank the soda alternately with my water while at work! And I already had almost three down by the time I got the soda!!)
Bike riding
We actually hopped on our bikes on Friday evening and did a small jaunt on our local path. We had skipped Thursday and felt like we should go on Friday to make up for the skipped day. I can slowly feel my legs getting stronger!
We didn’t sit on the bike the rest of the weekend! No big ride like normal! On Saturday we just felt like slugs and had no energy to do anything more strenuous than to walk through a store or two! What happened on Sunday? We had family obligations.
Slug activities
As I mentioned. We were total slugs! On Saturday we did our errands and went into a few stores. It was early on that we knew a bike ride was not in the cards for us. So we instead hit up the antique store near us and then went on a search for a retro game system! We ended up buying the Sega retro system It’s so neat to play the old games! I see another purchase or two in the future, the Nintendo version and the Atari version!
But other than that, we relaxed on Saturday. (And played video games)
Sunday we hit up another antique store, visited my mom and spent some time at Jason’s parents house to celebrate his belated birthday.
Of course we had to try on the fun hat at the antique store!
Well, let’s just say that my food was delicious this weekend! It included fried macaroni and cheese, pizza, French fries (baked), edible cookie dough, chic-fil-a milkshakes and of course birthday cake. I had veggies and healthy things also!
I actually smashed the pattern of my weigh-in’s this weekend!!! Yes I did! It wasn’t all good. I never dropped to my Typical Saturday low weigh in weight. My weight stayed steady through out the weekend. Im actually happier with that than with seeing the really low weight on Saturday just to see it pop back up by Monday!
Some theories about why?
* We didn’t ride this weekend! I have been wondering if the intense hard ride on the weekend is affecting my weight!
*I drank no diet soda this weekend (typically I drink a fair amount on the weekends)
Who knows...but I’m going to try to keep the diet soda away! And the biking...well that’s returning!!!
Sometimes, you just have to listen to your body and be a slug! Sometimes our bodies need the rest!!! Next weekend is a three day weekend. I’m already counting down!!!!
Congrats on the peanut butter cups. They are my favorite as well. You did better than I usually do. When I indulge it is always with the large pack...and I eat them all. I have a super indulgence in the fridge right now. Tarimasu from Olive Garden. Going to eat it slowly. Monthly weigh in is next week.
I am pretty certain that everyone like peanut butter cups! Great job sticking to one package and then moving on with life!
Yum to your indulgence!!! Eating it slowly over a few days is the perfect way to enjoy it!!!
Don’t congratulate me too much on only getting the ‘regular’ size of Reece’s Cups! The cafeteria only had the small size!!!
They are the perfect candy!!!!
Love the hats
I'm glad you listened to your body. Sometimes we just need a break. Good job still making healthy choices though, like getting in all your water and making up the missed ride.
Thanks, it is great post , I lost 28 pounds and several inches off my waist and thighs. I knew it had happened when I tried on a dress and my usual size 14 billowed around me. i went all the way down to a size 9! For more Click the link
Thanks, it is great post , I lost 28 pounds and several inches off my waist and thighs. I knew it had happened when I tried on a dress and my usual size 14 billowed around me. i went all the way down to a size 9! For more Click the link
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