I was driving to work the other morning and started to think about where I am in this weight-loss journey and I was filled with mixed emotions. I have mixed emotions about where I am, where I’ve been, what I’m doing and everything. For me, the best way to work things out is by putting you down in black-and-white. So here goes.
I am still immensely proud of myself for what I have accomplished in the weight-loss arena. How many people can say that they were once over 300 pounds and lost down to where they were considered healthy and the perfect weight (according to my doctor I was right in line) I am proud of that fact. But, on the flipside I am embarrassed to be the weight that I am right now. I know that the weight regain is all my fault. I can attribute stress of a divorce, changes in life, and a whole variety of other life situations as reasons why I regained…excuses. But I am the cause! What conflicting emotion! Pride wars with self shame!
I want to lose this weight fast! Who wouldn’t. I did the restriction thing before, and it does work. (Obviously since I lost well over 100 pounds). I’m not restricting my diet this time, well I’m not instituting major restrictions. Consequentially, the weight loss is much slower this time around. I am not having the 2 to 3 pound loss each week like I had the first go round with this weight loss journey. However, I am also still eating pizza, ice cream, cakes and candy. It’s just in moderation! It’s slower.....much slower! But that is where my mixed emotions come into play. I have a friend on weight watchers who lost about 10 pounds in August! (Go Julie). I have lost 12 pounds...in JULY and August! I vacillate between the desire to knuckle down and strictly re-strict and lose this weight fast (relatively) and the desire to stay the slow and steady course. I have chosen this course simply because the fast (faster) way worked short term, but it didn’t teach me how to live and still have a balance with the foods I love. (Cakes, candy, pizza, etc).
Now if I have learned anything from writing a weight loss blog over the past 13 years, I have learned that best laid plans are subject to change! I have written extensively about a belief or idea only to a year later do an about face and go down a different path. Life changes, our bodies change as we age, our circumstances change and with those changes come alterations in our plans and beliefs. I’m ok with that. What is working today may not work tomorrow. Right now, even though I am vacillating in my emotions on my path, I am continuing forward with the belief that my path is teaching me long term eating habits that will set me up for a lifetime of healthy eating along with a healthy weight.