Happy Saturday!!!! It has been a loooong week!!! Both jason and I have lamented about the length! We have pondered why and I just today realized that this is the first week that I have worked a full work week in about two or three months due to a plethera of vacation days that I had to use by the end of the year! Luckily only a few hours of work today (Saturday morning) and I'll be free as a bird until Tuesday morning!!...no work in Tuesday due to Martin Luther King day!)
This morning on the way to work I decided I needed a Pepsi. I don't know if I accidentally hit the button for regular Pepsi versus diet...or maybe they have the wrong one hooked up.....or if i just haven't had a diet Pepsi in so long that I'm not used to it...but man it tastes so sweet. I am actually choosing the water more often than I am the pop! Amazing for me!!!
The weather has been nuts!!! It was frigid cold last weekend....snowy on Tuesday....66° in Thursday and back to snow and ice forecasted for today. Nuts I tell you!
I talk about the weather because I do plan on getting my be-hind out and running again. Seriously...I do!!! But well... could and snow just make it difficult for me! In fairness the warm day I did make it out on my bike. We rode on the canal for a while and walked at the city park too! The ride was brutal as we were pedaling through mud which honestly feels as if you are riding in flat tires....optimum output of energy!
The ride emphasized the need for me to get to the gym to ride an exercise bike on days when I am not running (when I start!!). That will make riding this spring (or on warm days this winter) so much more enjoyable!! I swear...this week for sure!!!
My eating... my choices have gotten better since my sarcastic post! That is good. There is definitely still room for improvement!!!
Here is the total caloric intake.
And of course the intake netted with my activity...see what a different an active day (Thursday) makes???
My eating has gotten better because I am keeping myself busy in the evenings with my dollhouse projects. It's easier to it want to snack when my hands are covered in paint or glue!!!
This week I have made a quilt rack...
and I have worked on building my new dollhouse.
Baby steps in this journey I am on. Fixing small problems (like the evening snacking out of boredom)! This is all going to come together and I will start seeing results! I know it!!! I am determined!!!
I haven't weighed myself since Thursday. On Thursday I was back at the same weight that I was at last week...so who knows. Crossing my fingers and praying for the best for my next official weigh in!!!