
Thursday, January 28, 2016


I made a decision that was a rough one for me.  A few months ago I joined Planet Fitness.  It seemed a good plan.  I thought I would have time before I went to work in the mornings...even if I decided to go to the gym and then go home to get ready.  I had my zumba class with Anita that I was paying the lower cost was a good deal and I wasn't concerned about exercise classes because I had Anita.  I also had a neighbor/Aunt that was going to go with me. I went a few times...but it just has me criss-crossing back and forth across town(yeah, excuse) that just deters me in the morning when I have to be up and out the door by 5:30-6 at the latest in order to do the gym before work. (Have I mentioned how cold and dark it is at that hour???)   In the interim I lost my beloved Zumba class.  My Aunt has moved.  And Planet Fitness was just not working.  So on Wednesday when I left work, I headed there and cancelled my membership.   Within 24 hours I had secured a membership at Golds Gym.   I have been a member there on two different occasions.  I've never had a problem with Golds and have always cancelled the membership for other reasons that have nothing to do with my satisfaction with the gym.  This gym is about a mile from my house.  So that cuts 30 minutes out of the time needed to utilize the gym.  Awesome!  It is a bit more expensive...but with it being closer AND with the option to pick up a zumba class (and other classes), even if it isn't with my beloved Anita, I think I will be ok.

So I made that decision (even knowing that I would have to ante up the sign up fee and that would set me back a bit).  But I forgot to think about the odd noise my car had started intermittently making a day or two ago...I put it on my mental note to have it looked at.  Jason was in my car last night and heard it and was almost instantly convinced that my brakes were going bad (who knew there was such a thing as a "squealer tab' on brakes)  So bright and early this morning I was having my car checked (NO, I'm not messing with brakes...that's kinda necessary).  Yup, he had diagnosed the noise quite brake pads and rotors later and a nice bill......I'm done.  Isn't it fun being an adult??????

I recently read a book.  It was written by Keith Foskett and entitled Balancing on Blue: A Dromomaniac Hiking.  It is basically the story of a European who hikes the complete length of the Appalachian Trail.  It is a pretty good read.   Practical, insightful and just full of fun.  It is good enough that I am planning on reading his book chronicling his hike on the Pacific Crest Trail.   I would highly recommend the book for anyone that is interested in nature, health and just pushing themselves to the limit. (Of if you particularly liked Bill Bryson's book and subsequent movie "A Walk In the Woods" ....or Cheryl Strayed's book and subsequent movie "Wild")  This book is less of the 'bumbling hike that Bill Bryson attempted"  and a little less than the self discovery that Cheryl was looking for.  It is just a guy hiking, thinking, pondering and moving through a life that he doesn't quite understand unless he is lost in the woods!

What brought this book into the spotlight of my blog?   A passage in the book really stuck out at me!  This passage could easily be adjusted...take out 'hiking' and "trails' an instead insert 'weight loss' and 'Healthy lifestyles'  It is really the same!

"If you attempt a long distance hike, the chances are heavily stacked against you and there is a very real chance that you will fail. Most quit in the first month.  They were not as fit as they thought, new gear is chafing everywhere, red -raw blisters make walking excruciating or it's too cold, too hot, too dry or too wet, sometimes for days on end.  I always say push through that first month and if you come out on the other side, chances are you will be successful.  Above everything else, you have to be single minded and totally fixed on your goal to succeed.  If you are mentally strong, can persuade yourself that you're not in pain and can push another mile out, that your hunger and thirst are imaginary, that it really isn't the seventh straight day of being wet and the fact that you badly misjudged your food supply doesn't really matter, then you just may succeed."

Wow...isn't that an absolute parallel to weight loss? 

***The first month IS the hardest...and the time when people give up on weight loss efforts. (Think about the gym in January as compared to the gym in February).

*** We find out it isn't easy.  Our muscles will ache.  Our new 'equipment' isn't as cool and awesome.  

*** We have's too hot, too dry, too wet  etc

*** Weight loss IS a study in being single minded in our efforts.  We have focus on it.  We have to say "who cares that I'm whatever....the end goal is out there!

***If we believe we can succeed...we can hike over 2000 miles over numerous mountains.....we can run a 5k, a 10k or even a half marathon....and we CAN lose weight!


  1. liked this post.

  2. I remember reading a quote once that said to be successful with weight loss, you have to be, some degree, just a bit obsessed. I get what they were saying, and I think they meant the same thing as your quote about single-mindedness.

  3. I'm so glad that you moved to a closer gym - it can make all the difference and the fact they have Zumba classes is just fantastic. I love my Zumba and my fave Zumba class here has just finished up too! Boo! I think the parallel is perfect. I am always amazed at people who are focussed through all excuses. I only need to go to the pub and I find myself making excuses in my head, "you've had a wine you may as well have a schnitzel". I think pushing through that first month is crucial.

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Great post!!!!!

  5. ahhh Zumba, that reminds me I have some dvd's to drag out of the cupboard…I must start using them again

  6. Sorry about your car troubles and such. I'm SO lucky with my home gym ... it's so good for those quick 10 or 20 minute workouts throughout the day. I'm blessed to have a lot of free Zumba classes around here too. I go to several different classes, each teacher does have their own style and steps. It will probably be hard to make the change initially, but once you learn some of the songs and steps, hopefully you'll love the Gold's Zumba classes too. We don't have Gold's here anymore, they were all bought out by Vassa (but they kept most of the instructors I think). Let us know how it goes!

  7. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Just had another thought...when it comes to exercise, I think we need to do whatever we need to do in order to get it done. By that I mean, if someone says it's best to work out in the morning but you're not a morning person, then don't do it in the morning. If you're miserable, you're more likely to quit! And sometimes what works stops working, permanently or temporarily, so we need to do something else. It's important not to feel like a failure when that happens, but just keep moving forward.

  8. what an amazing post!!! It's been hard but this post is giving me hope! Thanks :

  9. Just went through the brakes thing a couple of months ago, so I feel your pain! Good move on changing gyms. I liked Gold's Gym, but the one we use to go to is not close at all. It wasn't bad before because I worked near it, but it would be quite the drive now. Still playing with the gym idea you've given me something to think about. We can do this!!!!

  10. Amazing post! Just what I needed to hear and am struggling right now/

  11. I wish my gym was only a mile away, that would really help me get there more. I try to tell myself that if I use the gym at work, it's really the same thing because that one is free.
