A few weeks ago I wrote about how I view eating. It started when I began to really notice that I was hanging out with a new friend and he was not ruled by food. That spurred me on to think more about how I eat. How do I eat??? I eat simply because the clock strikes 6 which means it's dinnertime. The clock strikes and I start to salivate. This is not healthy at all
For years when I first started watching my weight, I didn't have a clue how to 'read the signs' of my body. Intuitive eating was not a viable option. I thought about food from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. (and probably dreamt of it too!) When I started to eat, I just wanted to keep eating. I ate myself into a food coma so many times. I had to come up with a solution. I did. I became a regimented Nazi in regards to when and what I ate. I lost the weight by regulating my meals. I had always been a person that breakfast. I switched up and ate breakfast religiously. I tracked it, but I ate every meal....I was totally regimented. I ate like clockwork. When the allotted calories for the meal was done I stopped eating until the next meal. It was as simple as that.
But you know what? Lately I have realized that I'm not exactly always hungry when it's lunchtime. I'm not always hungry at dinner time. I've tried to start listening to those signs. Am I eating intuitively? I guess so. Not hard core, just trying to listen to my body more.

Admittedly, when I got home......I was hungry. But I didn't totally indulge and eat too much. My calorie count on myfitnesspal was totally in line with where it needed to be and I went to bed happy with my day, happy with my eating and totally satisfied and NOT sick!
Whatever this is...I'm going to roll with it. As much as possible, if I'm not hungry, I'm going to forego eating. And if I'm not overly hungry but eating is kinda out of my control, then I will just eat small portions. And yes....I will continue on the 'when the calories are gone, I stop eating....that rule is just golden!
I snuck a peak at the scales yesterday and I am looking good for my official weigh in this week! I just have to keep it up! And if I can hold onto that weight....and maybe go lower it means that I am on track for my Valentines Day challenge weight!!!!!!!
I have noticed the same thing with me. I think we have to go through those stages to get to a place where we understand our needs for nutrition and can make good choices. I'm sure you'll do well with this plan. I'm excited to read about how it works for you in the coming weeks.
I'm also excited to read about "J" and how that works out too!
Congrats on being able to eat intuitively! Hopefully I'll get there one day.
Sounds like you're doing great! Happy New Year!
It's so hard to tell what and how much our bodies want and need. Sounds like you have something that is working for ya! Keep it up! I think J is distracting you and that may be heping too ��
Congrats on being on track :)
I want to tell you whats worse: I WAIT desperately for the clock to strike 7 (my dinner time)
You look pretty good and I just need to get my *** together too
I think it's good to hang out with your friend. Seems how he thinks about food has a positive influence on you.
I think about food a lot but that's because I love to cook (and eat of course). I read food blogs everyday, follow a lot of food pages on Instagram. But I don't eat the entire day. I don't do diets anymore and instead of overeating I have noticed I eat 3 meals a day and some fruit or veggies as a snack during the day. When I have an evening snack or pie or dessert at the weekend I make sure I made it myself, that's my only rule.
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