I had my weigh in today. I've been weighing myself regularly and I've watched the numbers slide lower and lower on the scale (ok, they would be sliding if I didn't have a digital scale). It's been good. Yesterday morning I was ecstatic about my weight. This morning, not so much. I gained six tenths of a pound between yesterday and today. Yesterday I ran over three miles. I made good choices for breakfast and lunch and......well for dinner I went to Cici's pizza. (My nephew will be so ashamed of me...he hates Cici's Pizza.) I did have a salad. I did have 3 slices of pizza. I did have a brownie. And oh my word, their breadsticks are possibly the best around. (Yes, this was my first foray into the world of Cici's pizza). So yes, I had something like 2 or 3 bread stick bites. As I was eating I was worried about my weigh in today. Pizza? Really? The night before a weigh in??? What was I thinking? I'll tell you what I was thinking.....the other option was a Chinese buffet. ha ha ha.
That said? I entered my food into the tracker and I will say that I ate 1732 calories yesterday. Including what I earned, I STILL had 163 calories left over at the end of the day. HOWEVER, sadly enough...my body is stupid and if I eat a ton of my earned calories then I don't lose weight. (Yes, this is sad...but something I realize and just work with.) Just one of those quirks of individualism in this weight loss journey.
I seriously contemplated just taking yesterdays weight as my 'official' weekly weigh in. But then I realized that that was cheating. And regardless, I needed to face the music. Just do it!
So this morning I stepped onto the scales. 249.6 A gain....from yesterday. BUT that equates to a 4.4 pound loss from last Wednesday...and I can OFFICIALLY say that I am out of that 5 pound vortex. The goal for this week is to STAY out of that vortex and get further away.
So elation....but disgust that I didn't hold onto the lower Tuesday morning weigh in number. Ok ok ok....I'm going to chose happiness and elation and move forward!