I don't normally post intensely personal stuff...but today I'm going to because it's made me realize some things about myself. And while this is a weight loss blog, life intertwines together. The foot-bone is connected to the ankle bone and the ankle bone is connected to the.......(or however that song goes). It's all connected.

Here is the weird part. I feel strangely at peace. Probably more peaceful than I have felt in a LONG time. I'm tired of being a dishrag that just accepts the verbal vomit of others. Be it lies, incorrect information or whatever. It insults my intelligence to smile and nod and 'publically accept it'. I'm not saying that I'm going to argue every point. I'm not saying that there isn't a time and a place. I"m saying that I'm tired of being made to feel inadequate and stupid.....when I am nothing near inadequate and stupid. I don't need to be a dishrag that is just limp and meek.
I've decided that I will be running alone and training alone. Running with a partner has not been good for me. My running partner usually runs 3-5 feet ahead of me. Always making me feel (are you ready for it...here it comes).....inadequate. I'm always chasing her because "I'm the slow one". Running alone I will run for ME. I did incredible when I was training by myself before. Absolutely incredible. And I will do incredible again!

I may be home a bit more and by myself a bit more. But you know what? I kinda like my own company. Maybe it's time to write again. Maybe it's time to be me! And in finding me....maybe I can finally conquer this weight once and for all! I know that emotions....stress....and all of that plays a HUGE part in weight loss. So hopefully!