My food intake remains spotty at best. My tracking of said food remains sporadic. Coincidence? I think not. I know that this is a large part of my problem. Tracking for me is a chore but when I am tracking my food intake is just a teeny tiny bit better than when I'm not tracking! 

There has been some consistency in my life the last week. I've consistently run. I was going to take yesterday as a rest day and ended up running with Paula in the evening after work. Week 1 and day 5 of the couch to 5k is in the books. It was hot it was hard. But it is done!
Yup..stopped on the cool down portion of the workout to check out the Lilly!
Paula and I then went out for a quick bite to eat. I was hot and sweaty.
Paula enjoyed her sangria...and used that to help her cool down!