I was determined to start running again this past weekend......but then I woke up with a HORRIBLE headache on Sunday. It was horrible. Every cough made me groan. I quickly decided that there would be no run! Not what I wanted but I was more than ready to concede that an extra day would NOT hurt my recovery form this sickness that had felled me!

Tuesday morning I set my alarm and I headed out for my run. I was determined to run. My bare minimum was to run the 2.5 miles that I did on those trial runs. In the back of my mind though? I wanted to complete the run that was actually on the schedule. A 4 mile run. I started out and at the 2 mile bail out point I decided to go for broke. 4 miles done. Not fast...and admittedly at around mile 3 I stopped and walked for about 3 -5 minutes. Why? From about the one mile point onward I had been feeling that sensation of not being able to get a full lung of air. The short walk worked well.
In case you didn't catch that...I ran and didn't stop until the beginning of the third mile. Oh yes, I did. My body ran flawlessly (well, other than that respiratory issue...which isn't surprising considering I'm still coughing and trying to recover from that pneumonia).
Next up another 4 mile run on Thursday.....and I'll attempt the scheduled 7 miles this weekend.
What I noticed upon my triumphant return to exercise? My body GREAT getting back to exercise. I always say I am not an exercise fiend.....but it was a feeling like 'coming home' to et back to using my legs and working. Kinda threw me for a loop when I realized that!
Meanwhile today I have just wanted to EAT EAT EAT! For some reason I'm feeling emotional and kinda lost and I'm not proud to admit it, but I have eaten more than I should have. GRRRRRR
Yay for muscle memory! You really do love to exercise...you just don't love GOING to exercise. LOL!
Hi! im also hitting plateus big time. Didnt lose weight in nearly 2 weeks. And now when i started gym, the kilogramms are totally not going down, because of muscle growth i hope. And.... All the time i feel like eating! Didnt have this before on my journey, but i just want to eat and eat. What the hell? In the same time going for sports feels difficult and my mind gets filled with all the excuses. Wow!
Good for you for powering through.
Do you have a follow up appointment scheduled? I don't know how long it should take to get a good lung full of air after pneumonia. Don't hurt yourself.
Good job for getting back in there!! You're body missed it! I love Manda Panda's saying....You really do love to exercise...you just don't love GOING to exercise!! So true for me too! :)
Great job on the exercise! I do hope you have a follow-up appointment though on the pneumonia/breathing stuff. I think a couple of rest days a week are going to be important to help you get over it, so take some down time too - okay!
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