Running. On Thanksgiving I was registered to run the local Turkey Trot. I passed on it. My heart said to save my energy for my move. Yes, I completed my move on Thanksgiving day. (I still have some stuff to grab to go into storage....and my piano, but for the most part I am moved.) I do not regret my decision at all. However, I do feel bad that I missed my running buddy, Paula's wonderful run, where she set a personal record!!! Go Paula!
I had grand plans to start running this weekend. I am delaying that a bit though. You see, the move has been rough on my body. My back is so tender and 'sore' from moving (I guess). My right knee, the most arthritic ridden knee is really giving me some grief. (Steps are rough on bad knees and all of my storage stuff went into a second story storage place and I moved into a steps all around!) Maybe tomorrow I will run! I at least know with the knee that I'm not doing any more damage to it... :-)
So I'm still here. I'm still emotional. I have not wavered on my feelings about what needs to be done in terms of my marriage, but it is so difficult to face the 'failure' of my marriage. It is also incredibly difficult to stop 'worrying' about my husband. I have spent the last 16 years since we have been together taking care of's just part of who I've become and it's difficult to stop those tendencies. So I found myself finding something online that he needed to see and I had to fight the urge to text him to take care of it for him. He's a big boy and he needs to stand on his own two feet.
Meanwhile, my cats are doing very well.

Lucy, my old girl (she is my calico and is my 17 year old cancer survivor) immediately left her cage when I arrived, walked around and found a safe corner and she promptly fell asleep! She is sleeping and has discovered that she loves sleeping on an afghan of my mothers (my mom was going to take it upstairs, but I think it's staying down here now) that is sitting on the ottoman.

So my small 'family' is adjusting. Lets see where this new life takes us. Thinner and healthier if I have anything to say about it!