This is not the second by second plan...but it's my scheduled activities through the weeks....
It worked. I didn't have a lot of time left at the end of the day...and I have still have things that I wanted to get done that are still on my list...but I'm sitting pretty. This morning...the same. I actually overslept...but still managed to do everything on the list....well, I forgot to peel the potatoes for dinner tonight! Minor issue!
I'm sitting in a better place now for the weekend. The weekend will still be busy. I have to mow (a few hours still...until we get our riding mower back), I still have some weeding to do, I will be helping Todd finish a few projects (he has I think 5 unfinished projects that I'm hoping that we can get done...ok, I'm hoping to finish the little things on 3 of the projects this weekend....). I work this weekend. I have tentative plans with a friend forSaturday afternoon. I have concrete plans for walking on Sunday morning. I have plans to go to hear the municipal band play with a picnic dinner before hand and cake and ice cream to celebrate a birthday afterward. Ohhhh and I have a run that I'm scheduled to do...and hopefully a bike ride! So I have lots to do.....
I managed to get my run in this morning!
And got umpteen loads of laundry folded (the load I took out as I was going to bed...the load I put in to dry as I was goign to bed.....and the load I dried while I was out running).
Unfortunately, the last load I managed this morning is unfolded least it's towels....but how could I interrupt such a pretty girl resting.