My eating has been sporadic,but it does look as if I'm holding my weight steady with this new 'not tracking' dealio. I've seen myself slip a bit through this week though, so I need to totally tighten up the eating. :-)

I have been filled with self doubt about actually completing this 10k. I felt so awesome on my run on Wednesday and totally fell apart my next run. In fairness to that next run, it was on a treadmill (Which I hate) and the room was HOT! I however am not giving up! NO, not me. I'm going to complete this or die trying. (Ok, maybe death is not a good way to put it, but honestly at this point death or injury is about the only thing that will keep me from it.) But I'm fearful about completing it. I'm fearful about being so slow that (whatever my mind conjures up actually happens). I'm not giving up. I'm training. I'm consistently training. I'm going to do this! I actually just booked a hotel from for my friend Paula and I the night before the run. I've spent the money...I'm doing it!!!!
And here is the thing........facing fear in the face and overcoming that fear is awesome for two reasons. Doing what you are afraid of opens new doors but even more importantly the sense of pride when I overcome is amazing!!!!!! October 5th at around noon I'll be feeling that awesome "sense of pride!"
Up tomorrow.....a 5 mile run. I'm hoping the rain holds so that I can run it tomorrow versus push it off until Sunday.
the only way to defeat fear is to do it....and you WILL/CAN/SHALL/MUST!
You've got this!!
Hope your 5 miles went awesome today!
How was your 5 miler?
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