I rolled into Friday ready to work on this challenge that I have accepted. And then things started going belly up. The first of the two kittens passed away. Yes, saving a kitten that young is a long shot, but it still is just heartbreaking. Friday evening the other little kitten took a turn for the worse. We took turns holding the kitten and miraculously she seemed to perk up a bit, however we still struggled to get her to eat. :-( We knew her odds of survival had gone down drastically, yet we soldiered on.

Sunday was spent visiting family, fixing the tires (My back tires were on their death bed anyway...so I went ahead and just got new tires) and getting groceries.
I was talking with my sister in law this morning and she mentioned how she is trying to cut down on diet soda. I whole heartedly agreed. I don't buy it for the house, but it definitely creeps back into my life so easily. I thought that it was a good idea and I was going to copy her lead even as I sat there and sucked down the diet pepsi that was in my to-go cup from breakfast (did I mention that the to-go cup was my refill and it was the largest size the place offered??) I finished it off and we headed to lunch. My newly minted plan was strong in my mind. So what did I do for lunch? Why I ordered a large fountain drink....I drank it....and I got a refill for the road. Oh yes. But sometimes divine intervention occurs. It has happened numerous times before. The great pizza topple is the one that sticks in my mind the most. Well divine intervention happened again. How???

Yes, my drink toppled out of the cup holder. All over the floorboard. Oh well...and yes, in our travels when I picked up my next drink, it was water!!!!
I have my healthy lunches lined up for my work week and I've got lots of fruit prepped for the week ahead! Bring it on!!!
sorry about the kittens but at least they passed safe and warm surrounded by love! and yep I've had the OOPS from the divine dropping all my biscuits and gravy on the floor before....strangely at the time I was NOT thankful! lolol
I love divine intervention when it is helping us!
I love how diligent you are and enjoy reading your blogs so I have nominated your for the Liebster award. check it out at my link :)
SO sorry about those sweet kittens. You are so kind hearted to take care of them so sweetly all the way to the end.
I know I need to cut out the diet soda, but I haven't mustered the gumption yet. I really want to cut out all artificial sweeteners, but I think I am going to have to do it in baby steps.
Good luck with both of your challenges.
Oh sorry about the kittens :( I used to drink 4 + cans of Diet Coke a day. It was hard in the beginning but after a couple weeks I had zero cravings for it & haven't a soda in 2 years. You can do it !
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