
Friday, March 21, 2014

Rock on

A loss!!!!  I am showing a loss this week!  I'm still within that dreaded 3 pound black hole...but at the bottom end if the range!    I'm determined to stay on track this upcoming week and blow myself right out if that hellish out that I've been stuck in!!!!

Surprisingly, I've been eating quite nicely!!!!  I've managed eating out.  I've navigated evenings alone where I subconsciously binge eat.  I've made my food choices in the morning, and I've stuck with them!!!     I was all proud of myself the morning as I planed because I had extra calories.  I get to work and low and behind snacks were there.  It was a recipe that I've been wanting to try luckily I have the calories.  I'm holding off for my treat until after my lunch.  If I eat at 12 or 12:30 I can have my treat at 1...and then I only have to resist a second piece for one hour until I leave!   Ahhhhhh I've got my plan!!!!!

I'm planning to run this afternoon with a friend.   I've got to get back to running religiously.   I want the runners high.  I want the runners body.  I want the better stats when I run!!!!!  There is only one way to get those things....get out and run!!!  (And bike.....and Zumba)


  1. gotta love the "ZONE" so glad you hit your stride and I KNOW you'll get to where you want as long as you keep focused!

  2. Yay, you sound determined and I hope great things come of it!

    But wait, there's no magic wand? Damn. I was kinda holding out for one. :)

  3. Awesome job on the loss! Hoping to see my scales moving in that direction soon! I definitely want to have the runner's body! I'm embarrassed to wear my NYC marathon jacket...I can just hear people thinking, "Like SHE ran a marathon???"

  4. Great job on the loss and with sticking to your plan!

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