I've been doing really good with my workouts. I've been somewhat consistent this past week. I can REALLY tell. Yesterday my legs were feeling tight when I ran. This morning I walked 5 miles and from that point onward I have felt the muscles in my legs. My body is just tired. I am due for a rest day. It's been a few months since I actually 'felt' the physical need for a rest day. It's a good feeling!
My eating today was NOT spot on. But I'm ok with it. I am not aiming for perfection. I am not aiming for anything other than what works for me! I'm aiming for eating to sustain myself, to continue to enjoy my food but not go overboard!

You know...the way life goes just amuses me. Yesterday I was looking and my eye caught the Habitat for Humanity half marathon in September. Its in Hancock, MD....and I believe utilizes the rail trail (which means the grade is pretty easy..no obscene hills). I tentatively made a commitment to run that half. And whadya know?????? Today the pain in my heel has kicked into high gear. Yeah......that's the way things seem to roll. I'm going to see what I can do. I know that taping my foot helps....not just for running but general usage when it's really kicking. So I'll be taping my foot here for the next few to ease it up. And I'm going to push forward. :-) As for that half.......it's still on my radar.....nothing set in stone because of this stupid heel thing...but then again, I don't have to really seriously work on training for it until July. Hmmmmmm I just know that if I don't do it, I'm always going to wonder if I could have completed it.
I've also looked at some possible bike rides. That will take work and perseverance too! This is going to be MY YEAR!
Meanwhile.....wow...a forecast of snow! Aren't we lucky????
You know, I've made a tentative commitment to run a full marathon this year, and then every so often my foot starts bothering me. Makes me very, very worried for training. PF sucks!
What is wrong with your heel? It seems like old injuries ALWAYS pop up when we commit to a difficult goal!! It is not always a good idea to ignore those pains but I can relate to not wanting to listen to it :)
I am excited about doing Kyra's virtual 5k. I am struggling a bit with the food. Why is it that when that happens, I go to trying to set extreme rules. But I feel a little better now. So proud of you for keeping on.
Isnt it 'funny' how that happens?? Feels like a slap in the face!! Hope your heel feels better!! ANd if you do that half, let me know!! I may come down and join you!!!
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