Well well well......today was my 'weigh in' . I've set up my accountability with my friends Sherry, Donna and Julie. Basically on Fridays I send them my weight. They are not required to reciprocate but I am more than willing to be their accountability partner in return. (and they all jumped at the accountability deal....go friends!)
One day post feeding frenzy and I was really quite nervous about stepping on the scales. Not surprising eh? I almost forgot. I was in the kitchen doing some cooking and prep work for the days meals. I actually had taken a small bite of turkey salad and had put my breakfast in a bowl (fruit salad) and I remembered! HIP HIP HURRAY. (note my sarcasm). I stripped out of my clothes. Yeah, yeah yeah.....I weigh myself in my birthday suit, what of it? I stepped on the scales. I was 223.4 last week. I was really expecting the scales to say at least 226. I closed my eyes while the scales regulated. I took a deep breath, opened my eyes and looked down. What??? 223.1! It's a loss! Don't even try to tell me that point three is NOT a huge loss. It's monumental!!! I made it through a holiday and showed a loss!

This morning Todd and I bundled up and went for a walk on the C&O canal. It was a chilly walk, but actually warmer than yesterday. Lovely scenery! Of course I had to take a picture at the end.....I still apparently have a cone head that I'm covering with my hat...but at least my hat isn't on backwards!

Todd kept photo bombing me....can you see the 'happiness' on my face????
I'm working on my eating and I've been on target. UP next....the weekend challenge!