My news for the day.....well, I have a 5k that I am registered to run on March 23. I have thus signed up for another one. I will be running another 5K on May 18th. That will be the first day of my vacation...what a great way to start off vacation right??? It is the Paws on the Pavement 5k in Hagerstown, benefiting the Humane Society. What a great cause! I'm thinking about working up a tee shirt that honors my kitty cats that I can wear while I run. (OH my word...I think I know what I'm going to do for my tee shirt!!! The slogan on the front.....20 paws are better than 4 ....I've got 5 cats of course! The rest will be surprise! Lets just say that I have to look through some pictures and get working in photo shop!)

That crazy fear rears it's head though (don't I have the craziest fears). I may do this 5k alone. I know I'll be OK if I'm on my own...but it's just that stupid fear. I admit, I have a call out for friends to run it with me (sherry.....you can do it!...haa haa haa....ok ok ok, you are not sure that you are going to stay with this running thing, and that is ok. whatever you decide is good with me!) ...started thinking about not registering for it YET because what if no one does it with me. But then I realized that I was just making excuses in an effort to take the easy way out. That is NOT how the new MaryFran rolls! I face things face on right now. That said, I hope to run it with friends...but no worries. If I'm alone, so be it! Ohhh and I have already paid for my registration! I'm IN like Flynn!