Just for clarification, my husband didn't really come out and say that I was slutty. He just said that my shirt was a bit slutty....and left it at that. Whatever. :-) Here is a picture of us together the other night. In fairness, I've dressed in jeans, tee shirts and sweatshirts so much recently... so it probably did come as a surprise to him that I decided to pride in myself. And yes, he probably does feel threatened with me hot on the trail of weight loss and knowing that there are some huge issues in our marriage. He doesn't have to feel threatened...I love the guy (even with his comment that he made out of his ass the other day)...and really do want my marriage to work.

Tried on my engagement ring today. Hoping that soon I can wear it again. You see. When I was losing the weight the first time my rings would literally fall off my hand. So I stopped wearing them. I waited until I reached my lowest weight...and held that weight for a while...THEN I had my engagement ring re-sized. I have a wrap on my engagement ring (a second ring that nestles together with the original)...so it had to be desoldered....resized ...and then resoldered together (or whatever the word is to attach them into one ring). So it's a bit more costly than a simple resizing. I regained the weight and I haven't been able to wear my ring. BOOO. I am anxiously awaiting the day that I can once again wear my ring.
So I'm putting the old MaryFran to rest once and for all. Maryfran is worth all the time and effort that it takes to lose weight. (and yes, I spend a fair amount of time on it......it truly is my focus right now.). MaryFran is worth all the time it takes to exercise. Making my body strong and healthy is just as important as losing the weight. They do go hand in hand but it really is a separate entity. MaryFran Is worth the dreams and aspirations. MaryFran is alive kicking and ready to kick butt!